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Panama's POV- Court: November 6, 1903: Acknowledged as an actual country

"From this day forward, you are independent and free from the rule of Colombia."

The judge spoke with certainty and authority, filling the courtroom with their steady voice. "Good day." They slammed their gravel, making both the divorce and America's custody of me official. I had agreed to go, with full consent. He had never tampered with my emotions, unlike the Columbia I couldn't stand anymore. His treachery shall never be forgotten.

America is now my only Dad, I have no other!

Grinning from ear to ear, I felt happy tears roll down my cheeks. This is happening, it's actually happening! This isn't a dream, it's a wish come true..! As my father raised from his seat I gave him a great big hug. "You're free now." He whispered, patting my back.

I'm very grateful to my father as he had sent many warships to prevent Colombia from quashing my canal. That canal boosted my economy, which is probably why he wanted it so badly.

"He's with me now, Soda City."

USA gently pushed me to the side, trying to dismiss Columbia away. I folded my arms and waited for their argument to be over. "I want him back, you can't do this!" He objected. What am I? Some sort of pawn you can give away like candy? Pssh, if it were up to me I'd want your head on a pike.

"Too bad so sad, I've already acknowledged him a free country. Screw off!" Dad hissed.

"We might have be divor-" "Silence. I've already decided, off with you." The judge wore a solemn expression, looking directly into my ex father's eyes. "I-" Columbia stopped himself, rubbing his wrist in embarrassment. Serves you right, how do you think I felt all those years? "Fine."

He stomped away in a fit and slammed the door on his way out. Over dramatic, glad that's the last of him. "Pam, let's get going." My father smiled slightly and led me towards the door.

I followed him into the parking lot, surprised to see that Columbia was still waiting for us. What does he want now? "Listen. How about a day at my house and then America's-" "No thank you." I cut him off purposely, hopping into Dad's car. Just leave me alone, I don't want to see your yellow, blue, and red tricolored flag ever again.

I huffed, pouting in the backseat. "We're taking off now, put on your seatbelt." Dad reminded.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a three day old founded country, I know about seatbelt safety! "Mhmm." I mumbled. As I strapped myself in, I watched Columbia slowly fade away from my view. Bye-Bye.

See you never.
Columbia's POV- Parking Lot
Did he just...? Yes, he did. America just took my child away. Our child. I need to get her back. Running to the nearest booth, I slipped a few coins in the slot and called Argentina on the landline. He's my brother, he'll have to know best.

I paced back and forth, anxiously chattering a few words of assurances to myself. Why isn't he picking up? Is he dead? Oh good heavens-

"C-Columbia! You scared me, don't suddenly scream into my ear!"

"My bad, I just..." My voice trailed off once more. I never thought of what to say, I thought he'd never pick up! Alright, calm down Columbia; take deeps breaths-You can do this! Fidgeting with a piece of paper I written for the custody of Panama, I read it out loud.

"Panama my dear child, is being taken away from me. I need-" "...are you reading off your notes?" Wha-How'd he know? Is there one of his spies nearby?!

Glancing at my surroundings, I inspected the nearby residents; looking at them in suspicion. Could one of them...? No, no of course not. Meeting plenty of arched brows and dirty looks, I figured they were all part of the area.

"Columbia? You there?"

"Mhm. Could you help me out?"

A sigh was heard from the other end. Argentina?

"No. What's over is over. She's on her own now. Quit being so stubborn."

And just like that, he ended the call. Humph, didn't even give me anytime to answer. Sulkily, I placed the telephone back on it's stand and stomped off into my car. I'm not letting her go that easily.
America's POV- House
During dinner, a random car pulled up at the side of my mailbox. Could it be Columbia? He's probably coming back for his stuff. I opened the door with 'unopened arms,' tapping my foot impatiently. "Columbia. What are you doing here?" I spat his name out as if it were poison.

"United States. I would like anothe-"
"Chance? You've lost it." I hissed.

He shook his head, welcoming himself in.

Begrudgingly, I moved to the side so he wouldn't have to squeeze in.

'Soda City' walked to the table, taking a seat. Guess he expects to be served a nice dinner, well I'm not having it! Slamming my hands onto the table, I gave him the meanest glare I could manage. "What. The. Hell. Do. You. Want. From. Me." "Panama's custody." He answered blankly.

"Over my broken economy." I gritted my teeth, pulling out another seat for myself.

How dare he think he can just walk into my establish of a home and demand my daughter...! Both the judge and herself ruled in my favors. Panama isn't his anymore. "Dad, is dinner ready-" My dear, darling child walked in on us; freezing on the spot. "Are you kidding me? Get out!" She shrieked.

Columbia sprung from his seat, quickly approaching her. Oh hell nah. My defense mechanisms kicked in, shoving Soda away and putting myself in front of him.


"I just want to talk to my daughter."

"Hard way or easy way?"

"I'll take hard."

Alright then, your funeral. I pulled my pistol out my pocket, aiming it at my ex. "Wow..." Taking cautionary steps, I continued to approach him; my finger itching to pull the trigger. I'm in no mood to deal with him peacefully. Back off. "Woah, no need to get antsy. I'll go!" He surrendered, fear shining in his eyes. Good.

Panama must have fled to her room by now.

If I do shoot her father, then she won't have to see. As I cornered him to the front door, I held the gun close to his head. Fear. That's all I see in him. I quickly unlocked the door, shoving him out. "Never come back." I warned, with a hint of poison in my voice.

From the side window, I watched him leave.

Never to be seen at my estate ever again.
Not the most historically accurate since I got this all from Google, correct me if I'm wrong on a few things. Also, sorry if I put your country in a bad light!

Request Made By: sweetieart630

Sorry (again) if it's a bit short and rushed, I wasn't sure how to end it!

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