Hey Guys!

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Hi everyone! How's everyone doing during this crazy time?

I hope y'all are staying safe during all this corona business. For those doing online school, don't worry. As a fellow online student as well, I understand what your going through. We'll get through this!

So I haven't been updating my books recently...

Not too long ago, my phone stopped working so all my pictures that were saved on it are temporarily gone, which really sucked. I've also screen-shotted all your guys' ask/dares for my ask/dare books and now that my phone stopped working, I don't have access to them anymore :(

But once this is all over, I'm hoping to get my phone fixed so that I can have all my pictures again. So until then, I won't be doing all the past dares that I said I would do.

But you guys are welcome to comment down new dares that you would like me to do. I'll be happy to do them :)

If your interested in that, just comment down your ask or dare in the comments below and mention which of my books you want that dare to feature in. DokiDoki Precure, Tokyo Mew Mew or Aikatsu Stars/Friends.

Also, I'm hoping to update my other books as soon as possible. I've been really busy with school and stuff so I didn't get the time to update.

But rest assured, I have been writing some stories and coming up with more fanfic ideas for y'all so yeh :)

Anyways, again I hope you all are doing okay. I just wanted to post an update chapter just explaining what has been going on with me recently.


(Picture made by me

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(Picture made by me. If you guys have watched the anime The Ones Within, it's a corona-themed fan art I doodled in my notebook. I just thought that Iride and Zakuro would be perfect for it since they already wear masks lol XD)

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