Chapter 1

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______ sighed heavily as she looked up at the tall building in front of her. She never expected to be standing in front of this building herself, though she had seen it from a car window before. She swallowed hard and steeled her nerves, deciding that the reason why she was here was far more important than her nerves. She walked into the building, listening to her heels click against the marble floor in the practically empty foyer. She walked to the silver elevator doors and pressed the button with an arrow pointing up. After a moment, she heard a quiet ding and the doors slid open. She stepped inside and she pressed the button for the fiftieth floor.

"You can do this ______...." She said to herself, taking a deep breath.

There was a large mirror on the wall to her left and she turned to look at her reflection as the elevator climbed the levels, checking over her appearance. She set her purse on the floor and smoothed her black skirt down, worrying that it might have been too short for this type of meeting. It was a mid-thigh length, black, pleated skirt that she had paired with a slightly loose fitting red blouse and a pair of plain black heels. She fixed her long, (h/c) hair and her jewelry before picking her black purse back up and waiting for the elevator to reach the desired floor. There was another quiet ding and the doors glided open. She stepped out onto the wooden floor of the office space that filled the top floor of the building.

"Hi," an over cheerful receptionist called, smiling at her, "Can I help you?"

"Oh, um, yes," ______ answered nervously, "I'm here to see Cha Hakyeon."

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, picking her desk phone up and dialing an extension.

"Uh, we spoke on the phone earlier." ______ responded, still nervous.

"What's your name?"


She nodded and soon said into the phone, "Mr. Cha, there's a woman named ______ here to see you. She says she spoke with you on the phone earlier today."

She nodded and made a noise of acknowledgement before hanging up the phone.

"Mr. Cha will be right out. Go ahead and take a seat Miss." The receptionist said, smiling brightly at her.

______ nodded and took a seat on the rather comfortable tan couch in the foyer of the office. A few moments later, a tall man dressed in a black suit and white dress shirt approached her with a smile on his face. The moment he saw her however, his smile faltered.

"You're...–" He started quietly, eyes wide.

______ stood up quickly and said equally as quietly with closed eyes, "Yes, I am who you think I am. Please, can we go somewhere else to speak?"

When she opened her eyes to look at Hakyeon, she saw a confused look on his face but he nodded anyway. He motioned for her to follow after him and she did so, staying close to him. They stopped outside a door with his name on it and he opened it, letting her inside first. She thanked him quietly and took a seat as her told her to.

"So, Mrs. Mantanari, would you mind telling me why you are here?" He asked, looking at ______ hesitantly.

______ sighed and said quietly, "Look, I know you weren't expecting the wife of the rival mafia's leader to come to you, but it's not for the reason that you think. I'm not here on order or behalf of my husband."

"Then why are you here?" He asked, now confused.

"I need VIXX's help." She said, looking down at her lap.

Hakyeon narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "With what?"

"Protection." ______ answered.

"From what?" Hakyeon asked.

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