Chapter 5

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Warnings: Violence, blood, Semi-detailed things involving labor, mentions of rape

"What's the plan Boss?" Ravi asked, looking over at Leo on the other side of the van.

"We go in in three teams. N and Hyuk, you're going in first to take out the first wave of guards. Ravi, you're with me looking for ______. Ken and Hongbin, you're looking for Krikor." Leo said, seeing all of them nod.

"What do we do if we find him?" Hongbin asked.

"Contact me, and bring him to me. But you are not to kill him," Leo said, loading his gun, "Krikor is mine."

The others gulped and nodded in understanding. Once they got to their destination, they hid the van and started their rescue mission. The first team went in and got rid of the guards, then the other two teams followed. Once inside, they split up to go on their separate ways. Leo and Ravi quickly and quietly went through the halls, checking every room as they went, picking off guards and members of the gang left and right.

"Hyung, this place is huge," Ravi said after taking out another guard, "How are we gonna find her?"

"We'll keep looking until we do." Leo said, determination written across his face.

Ravi nodded and they continued to look. After another fifteen minutes of looking, Leo's phone rang.

"______?!" He answered.

"Taekwoon, are you in the house," she asked, sounding scared, "I thought I heard the sound of a fight but I'm not sure...."

"Yeah, we're here. Where are you?"

"I'm in a room on the first floor. It has a huge padlock on it so you can't miss it."

"Wait, a padlock?" Leo said, looking at a door down the hall from where he was standing.

"Yeah. That's how he's keeping me in here."

"I think we're in front of the door," Leo said as he and Ravi ran over to the door, "Get as far away from the door as you can and cover yourself. I'm going to shoot the lock."


He waited for a minute before she confirmed she was away from the door and pointed his gun at the door. He shot the lock twice and it fell to the ground. He yanked the door open and he felt relief spread through his body as he saw ______ curled up in the corner.

"______!" He said, running over to her.

She looked up at him and tears started to pour down her face as he took her into his arms.

"Taekwoon I was so scared!" She cried, burying her face in his neck.

"I was too...," he whispered, holding her tighter, "But I've got you now.... You're safe."

She sniffled and nodded, pulling away and wiping her tears. She let Leo pull her to her feet and she smiled when she saw Ravi, hugging him as well.

"We were so worried about you!" He said as he hugged her.

"Thanks for coming to get me." She said, smiling.

He smiled back and nodded, looking to Leo. Leo nodded at him and he raised his hand to his earpiece.

"We've got her." Ravi said, the other five hearing him.

"We have Krikor." Ken voiced.

Leo raised his hand to his earpiece and said, "Where are you?"

"In the sitting room." Hongbin replied.

"Stay there." Leo said, a look of anger flashing in his eyes.

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