Chapter 2

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"So Boss," Ravi said, holding his hands out toward ______, presenting her, "What do you think?!"

Leo looked ______up and down, taking in her new look. Her (h/l), (o/h/c) hair was now shorter, but still long, falling around her shoulders softly, and was a beautiful (n/h/c) color. In place of her nice skirt and blouse and her black heels, she was now dressed more casually, and undoubtedly, more comfortably. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings, a black tank top, a baggy blue jumper, and a pair of black combat styled boots. She looked completely different from when he had met her that morning, and that was exactly what he wanted.

"Perfect. She looks like a completely different person. Good job you guys." Leo said, crossing his arms.

"Well we can't take all the credit." Ravi said, grinning.

"That's right," N chimed in, also grinning, "______ is the one who picked out her hair color and style, and a lot of her clothes."

Leo smiled slightly down at ______ and said, "You're definitely not helpless, that's for sure."

______ smiled and clasped her hands behind her back, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"So, um, what now?" She asked, looking between the three males with her.

Leo looked at his watch and said, "Now we go home. It's late and we're going to have a long day tomorrow creating your alias and getting everything we need for it."

______ nodded and said goodbye to N and Ravi before following Leo over to his sleek, black Ferrari 458 Italia.

"Beautiful car." ______ said, smiling as Leo opened her door for her.

"Thanks." He responded, a tiny smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.

______ climbed into the car and Leo closed the door, rounding the car to his own door. He got in, and after making sure she had her seatbelt on, he took off towards his condo. They pulled into the parking garage underneath the building and into the reserved parking spot he had. He cut the engine and got out, quickly rounding the car and opening ______'s door for her.

"Thank you." She said as she took his offered hand, letting him help her out of the car.

He nodded and placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her towards the elevator. He locked his car, the horn echoing through the garage making ______ flinch. The hand on her back gently gripped her waist in reassurance for a moment before returning to its position on her back. She relaxed slightly and followed the tall male to the metal doors. They got into the elevator and he pressed the button for the top floor. The elevator began to climb the floors, and after only a few floors, it stopped. The doors opened and an elderly woman got onto the elevator with them.

"Oh, Taekwoonie, you look handsome as ever!" She said, smiling kindly at the male.

He smiled gently at her and said, "Thank you Mrs. Joon."

"And who is this lovely young lady on your arm," she asked, smiling at ______, "I don't think I've ever seen her around before."

Before Leo could even think of a response, ______ was already bowing and 'introducing' herself.

"Hello, I'm Alison Evens. I'm a close family friend of Taekwoon-Oppa's family. It's a pleasure to meet you." ______ said, smiling at the elderly lady.

"It's nice to meet you too dearie," she said, bowing, "I'm Joon Soejin. I live a few floors below Taekwoonie."

______ smiled and nodded. After a little while, the elevator stopped again and she got off. They both bowed and said their goodbyes. The doors closed and ______ let out a breath that neither she nor Leo knew she had been holding.

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