Chapter 7

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"You're pregnant again?!" Leo asked, excitement in his voice.

______ nodded and Leo swept her up into his arms, spinning her around happily. He set her down gently and kissed her.

"You know," ______ giggled, "I'm starting to think that you only married me because I get pregnant easily."

Leo chuckled and said, "Nonsense. You know I love you."

"Yeah, but you fell in love with me when I was pregnant with Su-Jin," ______ said, starting to pout, "And then I got pregnant again and you asked me to marry you."

"Because I love you." Leo said, kissing her nose.

"You love me more when I'm pregnant," ______ said, crossing her arms, "And I hardly lose the baby weight between pregnancies. Plus, you get supper horny while I'm pregnant and during the first few months after I give birth when I still really have the baby weight."

Leo smirked lightly and said, "Maybe I like the way you look while you're pregnant."

He pulled her close and lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist.

"You're saying you like how I look when I'm pregnant? Even though I get fat?" ______ said, shyly looking at him from beneath her lashes.

"You never look fat to me when you're pregnant." Leo said, resting his forehead against hers.

"Then how do I look?" She asked, a pout evident in her voice.

Leo smiled and said, "You look beautiful, stunning, ravenous, sexy, like a goddess...."

______ blushed and asked, "How do I look sexy when I'm pregnant? I get really fat."

Leo shook his head and said, "Like I said, you never look fat to me. You are so sexy to me when you're pregnant. The thought of you carrying the child that I got you pregnant with is something that gives me so many different emotions."

______ looked at him surprised, her heart swelling with love.

"And of course," Leo continued, "I'm not only attracted to you while you're pregnant. I think you look sexy all of the time."

______ blushed more and buried her face in his neck. Leo laughed lightly and carried her over to their bed, dropping her onto it and climbing on top of her.

"How about we celebrate our newest little one on the way?" Leo said, kissing her neck gently.

______ smiled and nodded, letting him rid her of her clothes.


"Mommy, I'm tired."

______ smiled at her youngest child and only daughter. The seven-year-old raised her arms up to her mother, wanting to be picked up.

"Oh, come here sweetie." ______ said, picking her up.

She gently rocked the little girl until she fell asleep and walked to her bedroom, placing her in her bed and tucking her in. She checked on her second oldest Min-Jun, and the twins Jimin and Jaebum, happy to see the twins asleep and the young teen reading. She went back downstairs and saw her oldest son Su-Jin looking upset.

"Su-Jin, what's wrong?" She asked, going over to him.

He shook his head and said, "Nothing mom. I'm fine."

She frowned but nodded. She got up and went into the kitchen where her husband was.

"Jagiya, Su-Jin is upset, but he won't tell me why. Can you please talk to him? I'm worried...." ______ said, hugging herself.

Leo kissed her forehead and said, "Yeah, I'll talk to him."

"Thank you." She said, kissing his cheek.

Leo left the kitchen and approached his son.

"Hey, Su-Jin, come with me to my study." Leo said, gesturing for him to follow him.

The teenager nodded and followed his father. When they were in the study and the doors were closed, Leo began speaking.

"Your mother said something was upsetting you and I told her I'd talk to you." He said.

The teenager stiffened and said, "Nothing's wrong...."

Leo narrowed his eyes at his son and said, "I know you're lying. Don't lie to me young man."

Su-Jin sighed roughly and said, "I feel like you don't really think of me as your son...!"

Leo was shocked by his words.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, confused.

The teen sighed again and said, "You're not my biological father, but you are to the other four. I feel like you love them more because they're yours, and I feel like you don't love me the same way because I'm not yours."

Leo's eyes widened.

"Where did you get an idea like that?" Leo asked, slightly hurt that he thought that.

"I don't know...," Su-Jin said, sinking down onto the couch in the room, "I was talking with my friends and it just kinda... floated into my head I guess...."

Leo sighed and sat beside Su-Jin.

He wrapped his arm around his shoulders and said, "I'm going to be completely honest and blunt with you, ok?"

The teen nodded and so did Leo.

"Look, just because I'm not the one who got your mom pregnant with you doesn't mean I'm not your father. I was there through her whole pregnancy and I was there when you were born." Leo said.

"You were there when all of the others were born too." Su-Jin muttered.

"Yeah," Leo laughed, "But I wasn't the one who delivered them."

His son looked at him with a confused looked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Leo smiled and said, "When your mom gave birth to you, we were in the back of a van, and you uncle N and I were the ones who delivered you."

"Wait," Su-Jin said, eyebrows furrowed, "I was born in the back of a van?!"

Leo nodded and said, "Yes. And I was the first one who held you when you were born. I held you the whole time until we got to the hospital."

Su-Jin sighed and looked away, still not convinced.

"And because of that," Leo continued, catching the boy's attention, "I've always thought that we had a special bond. And you hold a very special place in my heart. Both your mother and I have considered me your real father since the day you were born. Hell, before you were born even."

Leo looked at his oldest son and saw tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. He smiled sadly and hugged his son.

"I love you dad...!" Su-Jin mumbled.

"I love you too son." Leo said back, hugging him tighter.

After a little while, they left the study and Su-Jin went to bed, Leo going and joining his wife on the couch.

"Did he tell you what was bothering him?" She asked.

Leo nodded and told her what happened.

"Oh my god," she said, shoulders sagging, "I can't believe he felt like that...."

Leo nodded and put his arm around her.

"Everything's fine now," he said, kissing her forehead, "We talked it through."

______ smiled up at him and nodded. He smirked down at her lightly and stood up, pulling her up with him and pulling her close.

"How about we retire to our bedroom as well...?" He said quietly, his warm breath fanning over her face.

She blushed but nodded. Leo's smirk grew and he suddenly threw her over his shoulder, making her yelp. She giggled after realizing what had happened and let him carry her upstairs and to their shared bedroom, where they shared an amazing, love filled night.

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