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1 week went by and they were now dating

they rushed it because they both agreed they'd rather be eachothers then talking and not being fully together.

This way they can tell people they were dating someone

he was getting ready to work in her house and she was getting ready to work with him

She decided she wanted to work so he won't be pressured into having to pay for everything even though her parents made really good money.

She was putting her hair up and he was on live

"i think imma just wear this to work.. don't make fun of my body i don't like it" was all she heard from the room and she went to the restroom to see him.

"hey bubs" she kissed his lips before waving to the live

She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist meanwhile her face rested on the side of his body ( if that makes sense)

Her hands went under his jacket and he tensed up

"what time do you work... at 7 pm and we get off at 2 am" he smiled and she looked at him through the mirror smiling at her beautiful boyfriend

her hands rested on his tummy and he looked at her through the mirror

He felt insecure and her doing this wasn't helping

"babe you have such a nice  body" she said and he shook his head no

She left her hands there and he waited for her to remove them as he talked to the live

She massaged his tummy and he was nervous she'd think he was fat

She loves his body

She preferred it over ales

She felt as if ale showed off his abs too much and made her think he was self centered

All he talked about was working out

She watched him through the mirror

she smiled at him as he talked about soccer

After awhile he got off live and she still didn't let him go.

"baby can you stop touching my stomach"

"why.. i love it"

"because im fat"

"bubs.. who told you that" she said standing in front of him


"bubba come on let's go lay down.. i'll call your dad and say we won't make it"

He sat on her bed as she called his father

Once she got someone else to take over their shift she sat on his lap facing him

"bubba why would you say that"

"because you've dated ale and i don't look like him"

"mattia.. i've told you multiple times i  wouldn't change anything about you why don't you believe me" she said looking at him and he looked away

"mattia look at me"

"it's um the hate"

"what about it"

"mamas i get death threats everyday.. every single fucken day i get reminded to kill my self. It's like they can't see that i'm still a teenage and i'm being forced to grow up. It was never supposed to be like this, i was never supposed to end up like this. I just wish i can go back in time and never would've downloaded tik tok. I just wish something would've stopped me, like i just can't do it anymore. I get fucken told how to act, what to wear, what to say, what to eat, what not to do with my body. It's like i don't belong to myself anymore. It's like i'm being forced to be someone i'm not" his voice cracked

TOXIC- MATTIADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora