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Mattia rested his head on her lap and she sighed

She felt a tear drop on her leg and she threw her head back in pain

Pain from her heart

She ran her hand through her hair and then ran it through his

He knew that she knew he was crying but they both didn't mention anything

The room was dark and cold

The only noises they heard where mattias sniffles

"come here bubba.. give me a hug" she told him and he listened

Right when his check rested on her shoulder he let it all out

Memories of his mom and dad arguing ran through his mind ruining the idea of love for him

As he grew up watching his parents argue the less he believed in love

The less he believed in him and angel lasting

The less he believed in getting married

Of course he told her and she told him to now worry about the future.. not every relationship is the same

She had her own issues but once again she stayed strong for him

She couldn't let her issues get in the way when he was going through it, so instead of dealing with it she pushed it to the back of her head and focused on her boyfriend.

Mattia had no idea and she wanted to keep it that way

Every time he left her house or she left his she was alone

Alone in her house that her parents were never at

Her mother being a doctor and her father being a lawyer.. making everything hard on her

Yeah she had money but money wasn't what she wanted, she wanted her parents love

At times she'd be in her car breaking down in tears till she couldn't breath and other times she'd be sitting in the middle of her bed staring at her floor without an emotion on her face, not a tear coming out.

She went nights without eating, she went days without the seeing the sun

Even through she was torn and alone she stayed strong for her boyfriend and friends but the question was how long could she stay strong for.

She knew she was gonna hit her breaking point without people noticing

She ran her hand up and down mattias back, comforting him.

He sobbed and her heart ached

"it's okay mattia.. everything will be okay" She reassured him and he sobbed more

By the second he hugged her harder and cried harder

After a couple of minutes he finished crying and fell asleep again in her arms

She sighed as the tears ran down her cheeks and quickly wiping them

When two teenagers who have toxic lives date there isn't always a good ending

TOXIC- MATTIAWhere stories live. Discover now