Garp | Odd Couple

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Walking down the Marines halls, you stopped infront of a certain door. Reaching a gloved hand out to knock, you heard deep, loud snores from the other side. Eyes twitching, you quickly threw your gloves hand back, making your coat on your shoulder sway coolly, as you smashed through the door.

The Marines soldiers who witnessed the scene, watched with mouth agape, at what the just seen.

Coolly straightening up, you sauntered in, standing infront of the desk with a deathly aura,"Wake up."

Stirring, the sleeping man, rose up yawning,"Who dares wake me u-"

When he looked up, he gave a screech of fear, as he jumped back, hiding behind his chair,"W-what do you want, Y-Y/n!?"

Staring down at him, you slammed your gloves hands on his desk,"You know what I want, Garp."

Swallowing hard, he grabbed a piece of paper from his drawer, shakily handing it your way. Staring at his hand, you snatched it from him, making him flinch. Looking away, he closed his eyes, expecting to get hit, but was shocked at what was next.

Squealing happily, you giddily held the poster to your chest,"Oh my! He got a bigger bounty now! I'm so proud!"

Peaking from his spot, he stared at you,"W-what?"

Swiftly turning to him, causing him to flinch, you presented the poster to his face,"Don't you see!?"

Looking closer, he noticed it was the wanted poster of his grandson Luffy. Eyes bulging out, he mentally cursed himself for showing you the boy, knowing you'll just rant on and on about him.

Giggling about Luffy having a higher bounty, realization struck you as to what was the real reason you came to him. Slowly turning your neck to the door, Garp froze from trying to run away. As he turned to look at you, he swallowed hard, giving you a cheeky smile.

Hair and coat rising in a deathly fiery way, your eyes dramatically glowed at him,"Garp."


"So Garp, you hadn't finished your papers again?"

Garp sat in the doctors office, with a large lump on his head,"Shut it."

Waving your finger in a disapproval way, you crossed your arms,"You know what will happen if you don't do them, right?"

Turning his head away, he shouted like a child,"NO!"

Fist clenched, you resisted the urge to smack him again. Taking a deep breath, you pinched the bridge of your nose,"Give me the reports on the new candidates, Coby and Helmeppo."

Turning to look at you, he gave you a blank stare,"No."

Putting both your hands together in a prayer way, you turned away from him, closing your eyes as you stared up to the ceiling,"Dear God, please spare his life from being ended by the hands of me."

"Since when do you believe in God?"


Garp sat there with another lump on his head, as you sat down on a chair to the side,"Reports."

Pouting, Garp folded his arms,"They're doing fine. Still weak. More training."

Rubbing your temples, you exhaled,"Garp. You're not starving them again, are you?"

Staring at you, he frowned,"Of course I am! How else are they going to survive in the real world!?"

Staring at him, he flinched at the look you gave him. You were staring with soft eyes, which was a highly rare sight. Sweating, he just stared.

Sighing, you stood up,"Alright. I'd like to meet them."


Smiling, Garp chuckled,"Coby, Helmeppo, meet Vice Admiral Y/n L/n!"

Coby and Helmeppo gawked at you. They couldn't believe how young you looked, since they kept hearing from Garp that you were an old hag, which would end Garp in the hospital for months, if you knew.

Both saluting, they spoke in unison,"Pleasure to meet you, Vice Admiral Y/n L/n!"

Waving your hand, you smiled at them sweetly,"Just Y/n will do!"

Both stiffened in embarrassment,"Y-Yes, Y/n!"

Laughing, Garp stood besides you,"Now, what do you want to do with them anyways?"

Pretending to be thinking, you smiled at the boys,"Fight me."


Both said loudly.

Coby waved his hands around,"I-I'm sorry, b-but I can't h-hit women!"

Helmeppo agreeing, crossed his arms,"I would agree, but also disagree. But since your a higher ranked female, I don't want to."

Coby bashfully scratched his pink hair,"I can't...I'm sorry-WAAH!!??"

Ground shaking, Coby tried to keep balance, along with Helmeppo. They looked up, to see a terrifying scene.

Hearing their excuses, you took one step, causing the ground to shake. You slowly approached the boys, fixing your gloves, as the gulped, sweating in fear.

Looking down on them, you let go of your glove, like a doctor would when doing surgery,"Excuses. Pathetic."

Being called pathetic, Coby quickly lunged at you, disappearing behind you. As he got ready to hit you, you suddenly vanished, leaving Helmeppo to be in your spot, to receive the hit instead. When the blond flew back, Coby turned around to find you, but got cold sweat when you appeared from behind. Turning around, his eyes grew in fear, as your dark aura shook him.

Staring down, you reached a hand at him, but an odd sword flew pass you.


Helmeppo said angrily, but before he can progress his attack, you vanished to appear right in his face. Your face was right in front of his, making him gulp. Before you can even touch him, Coby attacked from behind, hitting you straight between the shoulder blades.

Smiling with triumph, Coby laughed,"YES!"

"Wrong person."

Blinking, Coby realized that he had hit Helmeppo in the stomach. Coughing, the blonde fell back nearly unconscious. Frowning in anger, Coby kept on alert for you. Turning around, looking at his whole radius, he couldn't spot you, until he felt ghostly hands moving to his chest and stomach.

Sweating, Coby gritted his teeth,"W-what!?"

Giving a ghostly smile, you chuckled by his ears, making him tense,"So close. So close Coby."

Eyes wide, the pinkette tried to wiggle free, but screamed as his body was lifted up. Closing his eyes for impact, it didn't arrive. Slowly opening his eyes, he blinked dumbly.


Face turning red, he began wiggling around,"Y-Y/n-s-sama!!!???"

Holding him tightly, you rubbed your face up against his cheeks, with happy tears,"You're such a grown boy now! I can't even call you a boy! You're a man now, Coby-chan!"

Sweating, Coby turned to look at Garp for help, but instead say an old grumpy man, jealous?

Swallowing, Coby spoke,"G-Garp?"

Looking up, you noticed Garp having a small tantrum. Giggling, you set Coby down, skipping to Garp, clompin him with love.

Rubbing your face on his, you giggled,"AWWW~ Is Mister Grumpy Garp-chan jealous~ so cutee!!"

Coby simple watched from afar at the two affair happening. Blinking dumbly, he fell onto his rear in disbelief. Watching you two bicker back and forth, but also you giving Garp loving hugs and kisses, as he tried to avoid them, flustered. Coby couldn't help but laugh at you two.

"What an odd couple."

Kinda all over the place, tried my best so I guess this will do :")

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