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So on Friday, I went to the movies with my Dad and older sister. We saw Mockingjay...IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! Mockingjay is my favorite book in the Hunger Games series, so it's awesome seeing it in movie form. Even though it was only the first part...anyway, the next day we watched Guardians Of The Galaxy!!!

We bought it on blue ray on Thursday...And on Thursday my younger sister, (K) and I had a dentist appointment. Ew. And after that we went shopping with my dad. That's when we bought the movie.

After that, when we got home, we had to get ready for my homeschool presentation night. It was very fun(: that's where my older sister and I got invited to go see the new Hobbit movie opening night by our wonderful friends(:

So I've noticed that I've written the events of the days in the wrong order. It should be; Thursday, Friday, Saturday...oh well...


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