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Sophie is gone from 1 hour, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I can hear laughs from hallway, but I'm trying to ignore it. The room is already cleaned, my homeworks are done, and I'm sitting here like puppy, waiting for my breeder. Sophie tell me, that I should not wait for her today evening, because she will be late. By the minutes passed, i'm starting to realize, that i'm feeling very lonely there. Without Sophie, Rayen in school, or even Hunter, I don't know no one here. I grabbed my phone from my pillow, and call my mother.

"Mom hi! How are you?",I can hear laughs far, far away.

"Sarah, honey! I'm very great, i'm out with Isabelle, my new was your first day in the school?",i'm really happy, that my mother found someone who she can talk with. She isn't easy person, kindness person, but she got through a lot shit, and I'm kinda sorry for her.

"It was really good, I really like my new Humanity class",I smiled at no one, in the memory of Humanity class, and our conversation. Then, memory of Hunter came to my mind, and I'm asking myself again, why I'm always thinking about grumpy Hunter? "I'm alone now because Sophie is on her date, so I don't know what I'm going to do",I sighed, and open my favorite book about Kennedy.

"Maybe you should walk by the central park or something?",why I didn't think about that? I could find my favorite places by myself, and then, I can show my favorite places to Rayen.

"Great idea! Thank you mom! I will call you later, bye!",I get out from my bed, and take my hoodie from my wardrobe. It's maybe 72F there, and I don't want to freeze outside. I texted Sophie that I'm going out, and locked the door behind me.

Hallway is full of girls, in heels, skirts, and tight tops. They have full makeup on them, and I have no clue why are they have full glam. It's monday, and I would never drink in the monday. I really quickly reached the door, and cold air slapped me over my face. In front of our campus is little park with flowers, and stream with fishes. Parking lot is full with cars, and I really want to have my own car so I don't have to bother someone. I pulled out my phone from my pocket, and decide to search best place of LA. I have plenty time to discover everything. It's only 3pm, and everything is open until 10pm. My eyes catch site Echo Park Lake, and I decide to go there. I like parks, lakes, streams, and environmental. I always could thinking straight near some green things. Its good for healthy, mind, and body too. I set the GPS, and walks by two boys, which were talking about some shits. The weather isn't bad, but it would be nicer, if the sun comes up a little bid. I'm feeling even loneliest, when i'm seeing happy couples standing near the parks, hands in hands, kissing, hugging each other. I never was lucky for a boys. I was in one long lasting relationship, but I realized, that it was really toxic relationship.

The way to the lake isn't long, and my thoughts on my past, friends, and my sister, stopped, when I heard the rustling of a stream. I'm standing in front of one big trees, with beautiful pink buds, and birds singing on them. My mood is better than couple minutes ago, when I'm near something so beautiful. Like I said, something green always helps your mind, body, and health. I can't tear my eyes from the stream. It's big stream with fishes, waterlines, frogs, and beautiful water flowers. I sat in front of one waterline, on one of the many bench over there. I can see woman with a small brown dog, walking to and fro, checking every flower, tree, and waterline. She is kinda look like my mom, when she was younger, happy, and in shines energy. Now she is sad, alone, and depressed. Why is faith to some people so bad? Why me, and my family must have unlucky? Why my sister had killed herself, and why I wasn't there to stop her?

I hadn't realized, that i'm actually crying. My tears are falling from my cheek very quickly, and I don't care about them. I need to get my emotions out of my body, out of my mind. I sobbed, and let out deep sight from my mouth. I haven't mental breakdown in so long and I'm happy, that I'm not with my mother, but far away from her. I don't want to stressing her out because of my thoughts. I must deal with it by myself, like I always did.

I actually never had someone only for my sister, and Aiden. I'm really bad at starting new friendships, and get closer to someone. I really don't know why it's so easy to talking to Rayen, Sophie, even with Hunter. When I was younger, I had only my sister. We were doing everything together. We were two soulmates, two same souls, two same kinds of blood. And after she died, I was alone. And I'm feel alone still, because I don't have that hard connection with anyone, like I had with her. Sometimes, I find myself looking at our photos, and remembering the all good memories, the all good feelings like I had with her.

I don't know how long I was near the stream, but I can see like sun is slowly going down. I should go to campus, and chilling for a little. I stand up, and wiped my tears from my cheeks. I already know that my nose is red, my eyes are bloodshot, and I'm looking terrible, but no one know me there, so do I am. The aid is colder now, and I'm quickly in front of our campus door. No one is in the hallway and I'm hell happy for it. I really don't want to run into some girls, looking literally like shit. I pulled out keyes from my pocket, and open the door. The room is dark, and quiet. Sophie is not "home" yet. I'm sad that she isn't there, and I can't talking to her right now. My head is aching from my crying, and I take one aspirin to get off of my headache. I take off my clothes, and pulled my favorite grey T-shirt over my head. I sat on my bed, and lays. It's not even night yet, but I don't want to sit here, and waiting for her. I closed my eyes, and trying to figure some things out.
The sound of keyes woke me up, and I sat from lying. I point my eyes at Sophie in her white dress, looking even better when she want away from campus.

"Sorry that I wake you up",she says with lowered voice, and take off her heels. She sat back on her bed, and pulled her mobile out from her little beg. "What did you do?",the thing I love most on the Sophie is,that whenever she wants talk about something, she always wants to know everything what happens to you firstly. She is so careless to other people, that I don't knew if I ever met that kind of person.

"I was on a walk...but tell me about your date with Oliver!",i'm super excited to hear new things about Oliver and her. Yeah, i'm really exhausted because it's maybe 12pm, but I really don't care right now. I'm really hoping that the date was worth it.

"It was really amazing! We were talking about us, about everything...we even kissed! I'm so happy", I can see on her face happy grimace, and I giggles on her.

"I'm really happy for you two",I yelled, and stretched myself. I layd my head on my pillow again, expecting to go to sleep again. Sophie turn off the light with words wishing me good night, and I again fell asleep.

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