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Chapter 11
Impossible to be Possible

Aki didn't miss any of his chance to get his car start its engine. Accelerating it to crash through the road with the wheels he have in his hands. Eyes are glued and attentive to where his path is.

"F*cking decoy, f*ck it!" He murmured and slam his palm at the dashboard of his car. Pushing the button of one of his equipments hidden inside his not so simple car, a screen shown to him. He tapped the mic button.

"Detect two most recent CCTV footage of Travis Tats Lauren." He talked to his machine while still driving back to the city in a hurry.

CCTV footage for Travis 'Tats' Lauren, Searching... A monotone voice of a female replied from the machine.

His palms are whitening in too much force of his grip, too tight. His jaw defines and clenching so hard. His eyes are bloodshot and almost release lasers. His breathing gets uneven as he puffs his chest. His eyebrows furrows and muscles are flexing.

He can't understand himself. He wanted to destroy Tats because his one of the most wanted drug lord in four big countries but here he is, so f-ing free to walk in the streets of Aki's country, in this city.

He wanted him to wash out from this planet. For those who's like him is a pest. He must be inside the cell and spend his whole life behind it and get rotten until hell earns him to suffer for the rest of his dead life.

He's one of the reason why many people drown themselves into wrong deeds and f*ck their life with sniffing baby powders through their nose and got sticks up to their brain and screw their happy family varying into a stupid broken and messed over family and kiths.

Out of driving in lividness, his eyes can only see pure crimson and death. He's too eager to kill, too eager to take the life and breath of the man he's been haunting for years. He wants to break his 215 bones each by each. He wants to hear its crunch when he does. He wants his blood to spill on the floor. He wants to open his throat by his hand and make holes to his body by the bullets he have.

Travis 'Tats' Lauren most recent CCTV footage found near the Club One with a team to accompany him. The footage was recorded at 01:27 this afternoon and the next footage is in Eden Park. He's alone this time, recorded at 03:32 as of now. The monotonic voice of a woman answered while the screen shows the footages of Travis Tats Lauren walking around like he's not one of the most wanted man on the watch list, f*ck him.

Aki chuckled sarcastically while shooking his head, the force of stepping up on the gas is getting harder exceeding 70 kmph... 80 kmph... his car makes whooshing noise, the roaring sound of the engine and honkings of the other vehicles he pass through.

He's not thinking right, anger consumes him, madness eat his mind, this is not right.

"Wandering freely, huh? Let's see what will you do if I cut those legs off of yours." He mumbled.

Driving in speed, he unintentionally glance at the rear view mirror and something calls his attention and interest, a black van is tailing him.

"Don't this guys know how to look innocent?" He asked to himself when he noticed how dangerous and how hideous their looks are, behind the car window, tattoos and piercings taints their faces.

He shook his head and smirk. "F*cking idiots." He murmured and turn to the other Avenue to lure them out, he made turns and turns and in his surprise the black van disappeared behind him.

He sighed maintaining his speed that is too fast to see, gladly the police are not minding him, he's so darn special in this city.

"Call Chief Officer Johnny Chapman." He ordered the computer as he might needing things to get ready and it immediately obeyed to his order.

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