Chapter 7 A Dangerous Game

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'This is a dangerous game I'm playing...'


"Hold still!"

"I can't help it! That hurts!"

"Don't be such a baby." Tobi said lifting my chin again.

I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Tobi was treating my cheek that Deidara hit. He hit me so hard it didn't just bruise but his nail scratched it a bit. Once Tobi put the band aid on he gave me an ice pack to hold to my cheek to make the swelling go down.



"No problem."

"I don't think I can do this Tobi, he's so violent and mean. It's too dangerous for me to even attempt making fun of him." I tried reasoning with Tobi.

"I understand-

"Do you?! Look at what he did to my cheek Tobi! I don't want to be his damn maid! I want to go home!"

My eyes widened in realization and I looked down. Home, I no longer had a place to call that. In fact where would I go if I somehow did get back to my world? And if I was released from this place and couldn't go back to my world still than where would I go?

"Esorie I've talked to Pein about it and he's going to make an excuse to have us train you so you can become part of the Akatsuki. The problem is Deidara and I would have to be your trainers. Is that ok or do you want to remain a maid?"

I sighed and thought about it for a second. Did I want this? I had read about the Akatsuki and how evil they were. Did I want to be that? I didn't know just yet but I did know one thing. Deidara ordering me around as his maid was a living hell I wanted to end.

"Its better I suppose..." I agreed.

"Good, I'll go tell Pein, but in order for this to work you have to make Deidara so angry he blows something up."


"It's so Pein can make the excuse of you being too weak to be hanging around or even working for the Akatsuki."

"Isn't my cheek proof enough?!" I asked standing up getting a bit angry.

I was glad Tobi was helping me with a thing or two but he was slightly a jerk as well. At least he never hit me though...yet anyway...

"That's only a scratch to the role Pein is playing. You have to show him you aren't strong or even fast enough to dodge Deidara's explosives."


"He'll only use a small explosive at first but that's as angry as you need to get him. At most it'll leave a burn mark that'll stay for a few days. There is a price to pay for everything."

Was I scared? Oh yeah, big time! This game was more dangerous than I thought it to be. Tobi was asking me to enter the lion’s den and get hurt on purpose in order to gain freedom, but if it meant less fear of Deidara then I guess I was willing to do it..

"O...Ok...I'll do it...”

"I wish there was another way to do this but there isn't without blowing mine or Pein's cover. Are you sure you’re up for the task?"

"Y-Yeah...I'm sure...” I said still a bit nervous.

"Good, but you don't have to do it just yet. I need time to tell Pein a few lines to say and your clearly too nervous right now that you'll choke and won't be able to put on a show. Get some rest and let your cheek heal for a bit. I'll let you know when everything is in place."


I found it odd how Tobi talked about all of this as if it was some kind of show to entertain him but I just kinda went with it. After all what choice did I have? I went to the living room with the ice pack pressed to my cheek. No one was there so I just sat down to watch TV. The shows here were different though and strange even.

They didn't have any TV shows they did back in my world but then again I haven't watched anything on a REAL TV for awhile so I just found something interesting and watched it. I used to watch TV shows on the library's computers so this was a nice change actually being able to sit on a real couch without crappy headphones.

I was just relaxing and watching the random show when Hidan and Kakuzu came through the door.

"Hey bitch, whatcha watching?" Hidan asked and I groaned.

"I don't know, something."

Hidan shrugged and sat next to me before putting his feet up on the coffee table making me winkle my nose.

"Hidan at least take off your shoes, that's nasty!"

"Trust me, its better they stay on unless you like foot odor." Kukuzu said sitting on the other side of Hidan.

"Shut up Kakuzu! Anyways I can do whatever I want bit-.....Why are you holding up an ice pack?" Hidan asked looking at me.

I looked off to the side a bit embarrassed but then I looked down and removed the ice pack.

"The fuck happened to your cheek?"

"I bruise easily and Deidara hit me pretty hard...”

"Ouch.." Kakuzu said and Hidan laughed.

"That's some fucking kinky shit right there."

I glared at Hidan wanting to hit him so badly but thankfully Kakuzu did it for me and Hidan stopped laughing to hold his head.


"Thanks." I said thanking Kakuzu.

"No problem, don't mind him he's just an idiot."

"AM NOT OLD FUCKER!" Hidan yelled and Kakuzu hit him again.

Maybe my bruise was just a scratch to the Akatsuki's eyes. It looked like Kakuzu was hitting Hidan pretty hard but he wasn't on the brick or tears like I was when I was slapped.

'Damn I'm weak...’

I went back to watching the show, whatever it was and Kakuzu and Hidan stayed a bit longer before going off to pray and count money. I ended up being in a laying down position on the couch but my shoes were off showing my pink, blue, and purple tie-dye socks. I kept the ice pack on my cheek still feeling the burn.

Probably because I kept moving the ice pack off considering how cold it was. I was pretty sensitive to things like that...I got kinda sleepy so I closed my eyes but only to day dream a little. I day dreamed about the way I really wanted it to be if I was living with the Akatsuki. I'd be strong and smart and even a member!

My best friends would be pretty much everyone, even Deidara. I smiled before falling asleep to my day dreams without meaning to.


Ok so this is the last chappy I'll post ever for this story....

Of 2012 XD GOTCHA! >:3 Another lovely pic I made is to the side ------->


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