Chapter 3

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*Yumeru POV*
I arrived at the changing room quickly so I will find it empty.
But unfortunately it was nearly full. 'good job ruining your chance in being alone while changing by playing games in class'
I entered and tried waiting for the changing room to get empty. But it looked that if I do I will be late, so I turned to the corner of the room and tried to change quietly and quickly.
As I took off my clothes I heard a voice yell from across the room.
"OmG aRe YoU oK? " one of the bitches said while pointing at my bruises.
'fuck. Why did she need to yell it out in front of everyone, luckily there is not a lot of stuck up bitches'
I tried ignoring the whispers, and dressed in my gym clothes, going out the changing room.
"mind your own business" and with that I slammed the door shut, running to the gym.

~ ♡T i m e - s k i p♡ ~

The bell rang and I got my stuff trying to go home as soon as possible 
But nothing goes my way. Cuz now I'm on the floor after I bumped unto someone.
"oh lord thank you for your gift. I'm grateful for you" a weird headed guy said making a Buddha face at the sky.
I ignored him and picked up myself, and started walking away. But to get stopped by the weirdo. "hey I'm sorry I bumped into you. I was looking for the volleyball gym,do you know where is it?"
'should I tell him? Maybe no. Well he said sorry I could show him'
"let me show you. I stumbled upon it at lunch" I replied making my way towards the other section of the school.

Wierd guy

"thanks... So umm do you play volleyball?"
"oh.. Ok"
"but I like it"
"me too and I hope I get on the team"
"good luck then... So what position do you play"
"I'm a wing spicker and I want to be an ace"
"well I hope you fullfil your dream"
"thanks.. Oh is that it"
"yeah. You can hear the squeaky sound of the shoes"
"do you wanna come in and watch me play"
"no it's ok you can go"
"no way I'm not letting you go alone. You can stay so I can walk you home since you showed me the gym"
"there is no need for that don't worry about me"
"nah I insist. Come on"
He then started dragging me to the gym.
'I really don't wanna get in there it will only make it difficult for me to forget about playing volleyball'
I tried running away but his grasp was so firm, so I just let him lead me inside.
He puched the door and someone yelled.

To be continued...

AN:sorry for the cliffhanger but I ran out of energy and ideas cuz it's 2:20am and I'm using my untie's phone. Just to clear somethings out, yes that is Yamamoto I know he is a second year and should not be there now but this is my plot and I needed someone stubborn to do the job and lev is a first year so I didn't want to bring him now but he will be a second year in my plot. I think kuroo is older than kenma but I will make them both the same age so it fit the plot. So the now first year in my plot are kuroo kenma yamamoto yaku. The second first year will be lev and an other OC that will be included later on. Another thing I know that they shouldn't have PE in the first day but she came to school late by 4 days so it's acceptable for me. That's it I think if you have any questions just comment and I will answer them.
                            - Momo-Chan out

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