9.Temper Temper

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A class of Hufflepuffs sat taking notes from their DADA lesson. Normally the class was a lot more fun, it sometimes involved music and idle chit chat to their teacher, a lot of jokes thrown back and forth between their learning.

Today there was a tension, there was no lightness and no smile in the teachers voice and certainly no music. The cause of this was a dark haired girl sitting near the center of the classroom staring longingly at Professor Lupin.

Lupin had been ignoring her eyes on him with much difficulty. He had noticed while everyone's parchment was littered with notes hers remained empty. His stomach dropped, he didn't want to be the reason she failed the class.

"And it must be remembered that warewolves will attack anything they see as a human, illusion charms will only work for so long. Your best chance at sur-" Diondre was still sat with her head on her hand, quill untouched by her side. Remus decided this was enough. "Miss Gargoyle. Despite what the teachers in this school think I do not believe you to be an idiot. However if you continue to not bother with my class I will fail you before you even have a chance to see your NEWT paper." He had to be stern with her. He had to.

Diondre sat up straight. "That is unfair Professor. I am 'bothering' with your class or I wouldn't be here." She spat back. He may be dreamy, but she will not have him be rude to her.

The students leaned forward in their seats, eager to catch this moment for their dining hall gossip.

"Then I suppose you should tell the class what their best chance at survival is when faced with a warewolf." He raised his eyebrows, challenging her.

Diondre jutted out her jaw. She knew he wanted her to say they would have to kill the warewolf, but she wouldn't do it. Killing another human should be the last option, not the first.

"Run," there was no way you could out run a warewolf.

"10 points from Hufflepuff for your stupid answer. If you can stand to sit through the rest of my lesson you..."

"Oh shut up professor, you know full well why I'm not taking notes!"

Remus was angry now, "well it must be because you're too thick to even do that!" He yelled.

The students knuckles were turning white as they gripped their desks, this was too good. Faith however looked at her friend concerned, Diondre did not loose her temper lightly, and when she did it was bad.

Diondre stood up from her seat, so fast the chair she was on toppled backwards.
"You want people to think you're such a kind old man with your shaggy clothes and your chocolate bars! You're a right prat."

"I'm a prat then am I ? I guess you'll be finding out all about that in the detentions for all of next week."

"Well I tell you what I won't be finding out. What happens at the end of this lesson."

The door slam made the rest of the class jump in their seats.

"Make that two weeks!" 

Faith went to run out after her but Professor Lupins voice boomed out,

"The next person to leave my class won't be returning to it."

Faith sat back down.

"Oh Diondre, thank god. Are you ok?" Faiths concerned voice bounced through the dorms.

Diondre might be aggravated by the professor but her friends love never fails to calm her heart. She smiled kindly at the blonde.

"Yes, just a little worked up is all. I guess I finally got through to even the most patient Professor." Diondre sighed. She knew Lupin was trying to push her away, but she didn't want him to. She wanted him. His kiss had stirred something in her and now all she could think about was clawing at his clothes and kissing everything that hid beneath.

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