The Feast

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(im making harry a bit more like his dad - into mischief and stuff but not as arrogant)

Everyone stared, eyes wide as Dumbledore and 4 new kids entered the hall, the kids walked over to the gryffindor table and sat near the Marauders. When dumbledore got to the front, he went to his podium and started speaking "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, As usual mr filch has told me to remind you all that filibuster fireworks and alot of other items are banned, the full list is on his office door. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is strictly forbidden to ALL students, and some of our older students should remember that as well" His looked over to the gryffindor table, eyes twinkling "Also i would like to Introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Kingsley Shacklebolt"
"Kingsley!" Hermione whispered smiling
"And finally" Dumbledore continued "We have 4 new additions to 6th year Gryffindor, there names are Ryder Watson, Grace Watson, Holly Garner and Harley Pace"
There was a low murmur around the room
"Anyway! Let the feast begin" Dumbledore Finished.

"Hi i'm Lily Evans, Gryffindor Prefect" Lily said smiling. Harrys eyes widened. Ginny kicked him.
"Oww gi- Grace" Harry said wincing
"sorry Har" Ginny said grinning
"I have a question!" Sirius piped up
"Mm?" Ron said
"Have you guys ever been in a lot of trouble" He asked.
Harry laughed "We were in our second year of school, (it closed in our 3rd because of the war so thats when we started homeschooling) And Ryder and I missed the, uhh Bus so we were stranded in muggle london with all our school things. Then we remembered Ryders dad had a flying car, so we flew to school and landed in this tree which started trying to kill us - a whomping willow i think. We didn't get expelled but Ryder  got a howler the next day" Rons ears turned Red

*He coughed* "Rona- Ryder Watson, HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR, I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED, YOUR FATHERS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND ITS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT, IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! Oh and Gi- Grace dear, congratulations on making g- Pigneypuff, your father and i are so proud" Before the letter ripped to peices

James, Sirius, Ginny and Harry were bursting out laughing

"Hey! Just because you have n- Really mischievous parents! If your mum had heard you would have been in trouble" Ron said, he wasn't entirely wrong, if Harrys parents had been alive, They would have had that exact reaction.

"Its not my fault they're-" Harry snapped before hermione cut him off
"GUYS STOP BICKERING" She said giving then a death stare
"Sorry Holly" Harry murmured

"So do any of you play quidditch?" James asked, Remus rolled his eyes
"Yes" Said Harry, Ron and Ginny excitedly
"Im seeker" Harry said
"Im Keeper"
"You'll be trying out for the house team then? God knows we need some new players, we've been left with 2 chasers this year" James asked
"Sirius normally plays Beater but last year he almost killed someone so he's now just a commentator"

"Duh!" Harry said grinning
"I like this lot" Sirius laughed

"Harry, i have a load of prank stuff in my bag, i was thinking we could swamp the slytherins in their common room tomorrow" Ginny whispered in Harry's ear. His eyes sparkled and he nodded

"There up to something" James hissed in Sirius' ear
"We'll follow them if they do anything, using the cloak" Sirius replied and James nodded.

"Hey James?" Ginny said grinning
"Yeah?" James replied
"Do you want a sweet?" She asked
"Of course!" James said excitedly
Ginny passed him a bright blue sweet
"What flavour?" He asked
"Blueberry" she said innocently

James ate it, and the whole table burst out laughing
"What?! Its a very nice-" He noticed his hands were blue "WATSON WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" He yelled
"Chill!" Harry said "Here eat this red one"

"i don't trust you"

"Fine, stay blue forever then" Harry said smirking
"Pass me the sweet" He snapped
"No need to snap" Ginny laughed "Here"
James ate the red sweet and instantly his skin changed back to its original colour

"Nice!" Sirius laughed "Where d'you get them?"
"My brother made them, before he died, the last 5 boxes are in my bag because he was stupid enough to not tell us how he did it!" Ginny said "Here have a box each" She said passing one to James and Sirius

"The green ones make you vomit, but the light blue fix it (if you want to get out of class" You know what the dark blue and the red ones do.. The dark red ones with sugar on them make your nose bleed furiously, while the pink ones reverse it. The yellow ones make your tongue grow up to 2 meters long, while the orange one reverses it and ill leave it up to you to find out what the rest do" Harry explained grinning

"Brilliant!" Said James and Sirius together

After dinner the marauders stood up,
"you coming with us?" Sirius asked the group
"We'll come soon, dumbledore showed us the way earlier, whats the password?" Harry asked
"Lions Feet" James said. God the passwords were stupid in this time.
"We'll come now" Hermione said as her and ron got up
"Yeah we dont want to see these two snogging" Ron said
Ginny made an extremely rude gesture to Ron as they left the room.

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