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Still Josh POV
I saw JJ sitting on a bench with her head in her hands. Harley walked over to her then she got up and hugged her. She looked like she was crying and it broke me, into a million pieces.

I called Harley, I didn't know what to do. She came and I just hugged her as I started crying. She rubbed my back and calmed me down a little then we sat. I told everything, how Josh makes me feel, how I want him no need him. But yet I can't let my guard down, not even Harley has managed to do that.

I looked at her and said "He's getting to me Harley, he's almost there I can't let that happen." She rubbed my back and we just sat there until we got up and she walked me back to Sway. Kio opened the door and looked at me, he pulled me into a hug and I just cried into his chest. Harley left then Kio carried me to my room, he set me on the bed and said "JJ what's wrong." I sniffled and said "I can't Kio, Josh is getting to me, he's softening me and I can't let that happen, I want him, I need him, but I can't have him." Kio sighed and said "I know how you are but if you want him just get him he wants you." I looked at him like he was crazy then I said "Exactly you know how I am, you know I haven't let my guard down for anyone since you know who. You know that if someone gets close to me I push them away. You know that if I let Josh in that I'll break, both him and me." Kio looked at me then just got up and walked out, I laid down and cried until I eventually fell asleep.

(in her dream AKA. flashback. Aiden is her ex btw)
A- Aiden.   J- JJ.   

J- you fucking slept with her
A- just listen to me baby please
J- I go out to find you a fucking two year anniversary present and come home to you fucking my ex best friend
A- just let me fucking explain!!
J- no I don't have to hear a fucking word you say, you and your bitchass can get out and leave me along cause me are done
A- fine bitch be that way

Real life
I woke up with tear stains on my face. I went to the restroom and washed my face then went downstairs with the boys. I just ignored Josh and talked to the other boys. I was doing fine and I felt like myself again, that was until I looked at Josh. On the outside he was fine but I could tell, just from his eyes, that he was crushed, broken, and it was because of me. This is why I had to distance myself, because I'm hurting the person I love. I love him with everything but just by being near him I hurt myself.

I know that if I wanted to I could have him, everyone does. But the thought of me breaking his heart kills me, am I doing the same by distancing myself? Probably but it's better, I think anyway.

I looked at my phone and saw that there was a party, perfect a place I could drown my sorrows. It started in a few hours so I would just chill for an hour before going to get ready.


It's time for me to get ready. So I get up and go to my room, I showered then put on this.

I straightened my hair and put on light makeup then grabbed my phone and some money then put it in my pocket and zipped it up

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I straightened my hair and put on light makeup then grabbed my phone and some money then put it in my pocket and zipped it up. I did one final look through before going downstairs. I looked at the boys who were just watching me, I took one glance at Josh but looked away and left. I got an Uber and went to the party, it was already loud and reeked of alcohol, perfect. I went inside and immediately to the drinks, downing shot after shot, cup after cup, until it started to finally kick in.

I went to where people were jumping around and getting crazy and joined them. Jumping around and doing whatever, this guy came up to me and put his arms around my waist from behind. I didn't care who it was I just started swaying on them, just like Josh. I suddenly got really need, just like Josh. I turned around and kissed him, just like Josh. I started dancing again with him, just like Josh. I took shots while he watched, just like Josh. Once I realized I what I was doing I continuously downed and downed shots, cups, bottles eventually. After a while I was more than wasted, I stumbled out to the front yard and collapsed on the grass by the road.

I pulled out my phone and called someone, they said they were coming. I just sat there wasted, I had half a bottle in my hand so I was drinking that. Then a car with bright lights pulled up, I covered my eyes and they got out the car. It was blurry at first then I saw him, Josh. He looked at the bottle and said "How much" I snorted and said "That's a funny word" kind of slurred. He sighed and took the bottle out of my hands, I pouted and he said "Come on let's go home." He helped me up and put me in the passenger seat, as he buckled me in I traced his jawline with my finger and said "You're pretty." He looked at me and said "You're drunk" then closed the door. I laughed and said "Hah, drunk, that's a funny word."

Josh POV
I got in the car and JJ said "You know a funny word?" I started the car and said "What" she said "Drunk" then snorted and started laughing. I just continued walking as she just blabbered on about anything she saw. When we got home I got out the car and went to her side, I took her out and helped her walk inside. When we got in all the boys stared at her, she giggled and said "You're all pretty" but it was slurred, she started laughing. Then she said "Ooh you know what we can do  body shots" I shook my head and said "No more alcohol for you." I threw her over my shoulder, she laughed and said "Wee" I took her up to her room and set her on her bed. I grabbed some of her shorts and a shirt then helped her change. I mean I have seen her naked.

I tucked her into the bed and stayed there until she fell asleep then got up and went to my room. I showered then lid in bed and started thinking. Why did she call me? Why not Kio, or Harley even. But no she called me? I'll worry about that later. I turned over and fell asleep.

Party girl (Josh Richards)Where stories live. Discover now