The Boy Who Cheated

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Chapter Three

Harry woke up the next morning feeling sluggish, as nightmares plagued his sleep once again. He walked down to the Great Hall with Hermione and Ron, who were much more energetic than he was. They talked animatedly through the halls while all Harry could manage was the occasional nod or smile.

It was odd. He hadn't expected to feel this nervous for his first day of classes. Of course, there was always a certain level of liveliness on the first day back at Hogwarts, but the last time Harry was this scared for his new classes was when he was a clueless first-year. Perhaps it was the continued stares from his classmates or the fact that he felt as if his expectations had been raised after defeating Voldemort.

They sat down at the Gryffindor table and Ron immediately started to stuff his face with food. Hermione shot him a disapproving look but didn't say anything.

Before Harry could even touch his food, Hagrid trudged into the Hall with a handful of papers in his hands.

"Hagrid, what are those?" Hermione gestured towards the pieces of parchment.

"O these?" Hagrid grunted. "These'll be yer timetables." He began to pass out the papers. Many students seemed surprised when they saw Hagrid passing out their schedules as opposed to McGonagall, but it was the duty of the Heads of the Houses, and Hagrid was the new Head of Gryffindor.

Harry grabbed his schedule from Hagrid and scanned his eyes over the paper.

"Ugh, Double Potions this afternoon." Harry rolled his eyes. "At least we'll be together, right Ron?" Hermione had dropped Potions this year, as N.E.W.T level Arithmancy occured at the same time, and Hermione wasn't looking to use a time turner ever again.

"Er- actually," Ron began, his face turning pink. "I'm not taking Potions this year."

"But you have to take Potions to be an Auror."


"Ron, what are you on about?" Harry was more confused than ever. It was true that Ron played an instrumental role in stopping Voldemort, but the Ministry still expected incoming Aurors to have taken the required classes. He couldn't expect to be given the position of Auror based off of his reputation alone. Ron glanced at Hermione nervously as if having a silent conversation with her. She seemed to give him a nod.

"I don't think I want to be an Auror."

Harry froze.

"What?" He wasn't sure that he heard Ron correctly.

"I don't want to be an Auror," Ron repeated, more confidently this time.

"But," Harry struggled to put his thoughts into words. "Why?" he finished lamely.

"I dunno," Ron shrugged. "It just doesn't really appeal to me anymore." He picked up his fork and shoveled a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. He didn't seem eager to say anything more. 

"But you've wanted to be an Auror since fourth year!" Harry exclaimed. "We were going to do it together!"

"Well, yeah," Ron paused. "But after- well, everything, I just think..." He looked up at Harry. "I just think I've fought enough Dark Wizards for a lifetime."

Harry's anger subsided. He had never considered that Ron's ambitions may have changed after the war. His had never wavered; he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep at night with the knowledge that there were Dark Wizards out there and he wasn't doing anything to stop them, but he understood Ron's change of heart.

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