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A full moon shone a grassy clearing fringed with flowers and undergrowth. The moon's light illuminated the landscape to reveal the hidden scenery that hadn't revealed itself until now.   The light shown onto four cats who sat around a star filled pool of water.  One of the cats, a dark gray she-cat looked up from watching the pool, her starry amber gaze flicking to each cat in turn.

 "She is now able to fulfill the prophecy", she meowed after a few heartbeats. 

 "This is only just the beginning", another cat meowed. His skinny black form shone brightly as the moon's rays hit his pelt to reveal stars that glimmered around his paws.

 A third cat, a slender tortoiseshell, rose to her paws and looked at the dark gray she-cat with apprehension clear as day in her eyes.   "Is she really the one?", she asked.

  "Yes, Spottedpelt, she is the one", she mewed softly.

The black tom dipped his head. "She will be the leader who saves the Clans", he mewed.  

The fourth cat, a ginger tom, looked up from washing his white paws. He had been quiet the whole time but now spoke with curiosity in his eyes.

 "Nightstar, you should be the one who tells her", he meowed.

 "How about you do it Weedwhisker?",  Nightstar asked with a flick of his long tail and snorted. " I would just scare the poor mite especially with how intimidating I look. Haven't you heard the kits who roam here? I look like a scary raven."

Spottedpelt snorted with laughter and then shut up when she realized that Nightstar was glaring at her with a narrowed amber stare.

  Instead of laughing, Weedwhisker was looking at the night black tom with wide eyes.   "Do you think that me, a regular StarClan warrior should be the one to tell her? No, Nightstar, you should do it. You were a former leader and have more of a higher status", he meowed. 

 "No", Nightstar growled firmly.  "I will not do this." 

Weedwhisker looked over at the dark gray she-cat. "How about you talk to her Whisperstar?", he asked. "She would take it better from you especially since you once lead her Clan."

The cat who Weedwhisker had spoken to was watching the other three starry warriors with an unsuppressed amber glare. When she spoke, her voice carried a tinge of annoyance in it.

"Fine, I will do it then since you two are too afraid to talk to her like cowering apprentices", Whisperstar growled with a lash of her tail. She hissed and stalked past the ginger tom, not speaking to him.

The dark starry she-cat was soon out of sight and all who was left were three cats who stared after her with blank expressions.

"Finally",  Weedwhisker sighed with relief in his green eyes.  "She left before she could bit my tail off."

Nightstar snorted in reply and growled, "No wonder why her warriors were scared of her. Not friendly, is she?"

 "You two should be ashamed of yourselves for acting this way", Spottedpelt scolded.  "If I could talk to the chosen one, I would", she turned her back from the two toms and walked off. 

Weedwhisker stood up with a sigh.  "I know, but Whisperstar needs to do this. She's the best cat for the challenge." 

He looked over at Nightstar to see if the dark leader had agreed with him, but the tom was not listening to him.  With a shrug of his broad shoulders, he left the StarClan tom alone beside the pool. The leader was obviously lost in thought.

Nightstar finally looked up with a sigh when Weedwhisker left.  " I'm glad that's over.  You are all a bunch of bickering kits."

 He finally got up to his paws, shook his head with a sigh, and headed off in the direction that Weedwhisker had left.

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