Chapter 4

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Calum's P.O.V

I ended up falling asleep about a hour or so after Luke mentioned about Amber, i had such a weird dream. I had a dream that i was on stage performing in London and Amber showed up and she was in the front row, the perfect view and once i had finished the 'She looks so perfect' song she jumped over the security barrier and every person that tried to stop her she just punched in the face and knocked the clean out, i was rather impressed actually (even though it wasn't real) and after all that super ninja/ boxer style shit she ran up onto the stage and ran up to me and hugged me, then kissed me on the cheek and whispered 'i have always loved you' in my ear and i believed it but for some reason i looked into the audience and saw a beautiful girl with long brown hair with lose curls and hazel brown eyes, she was perfect she had a necklace around her neck that read 'mum'. I don't know how i could see her eye colour or her necklace but i could and for like the rest of the dream which was about 2 minuets long i was just staring at her and everything about her was so beautiful she looked so elegant and fragile and then Amber turned my head and went to kiss my lips and her lips were just centimeters away from mine and then IT ENDED! dumb dumb dummmmmm.

when i woke up i just decided to wipe the dream out of my head, i mean not like it was real. The boys came in about 20 minuets after i woke up and started talking about concerts that are coming up and what not but i wasn't really paying any attention all i could think about was that girl like i thought Amber was pretty but whoa she was just like a total knock out but i guess no one in real life could actually be real unless that had like plastic surgery that looked really good, i don't really understand why girls would want to get plastic surgery i mean every girl is pretty in there own way like they might not be a total knock out or anything but they should be proud of who they are and what they look like they have no need to change and anyone who tells them over wise can piss off because they are not needed.

"CALUM!!!! HELLO EARTH TO CALUM!" Micheal shouted waving his hands in front of my face

"what!" i yelled back

"whats a matter we have been trying to talk to you for about 5 minuets" butted in Luke

"sorry what did you wan't" i asked shaking my head to clear my thoughts

the boys sighed in sync "never mind" Ash said shaking his head and we all just laughed.

*A few hours later*

My mum came in and told me that the doctor said i could go home but i would need to rest for a couple days and maby up to 2 weeks depending on how a feel. god sake. On the drive home it was silent so i decided to brake the ice.

"mum what was that thing you wanted to tell me about before when i got to grandad's" i asked leaning over the front seat so i could see her properly. she froze and looked at Mali then back at the road.

"i will tell you about it when we get home son" she said

i nodded and decided not to ask why because what ever she wanted to tell me clearly was important so i just sat at the back in silence.

once we got home and settled i went up stairs took a shower to get the hospital feeling out of my body, i hated hospitals, i got out dried my hair and changed into my black skinny jeans and a tank top and went down stairs at joined my mum in the kitchen "what was that thing you wanted to tell me" i asked, she jumped a bit i think i must of scared her but she soon stopped dead in her tracks and sighed, she turned around slowly and told me to sit down.

"wel darling do you know when you went to grandad's?" she asked her voice cracking and saking a little.

"yes i do why whats happend?" i asked leaning closer

"well i didnt want to bother you while you were on tour so i waited till you got back you see."

"come one mum tell me what wrong? whats happend?" i asked hoping she would get to the point

"well a couple of months after you left, grandad became very ill, and becuase he was very old, it was worse" she said taking deep breaths

"what do you mean because he WAS old what do you mean i dont understand mum tell me" i said unable to breath hardly my heart was pounding my grandad had been very ill once before but he was fine after that.

"well he got rished into hospital and they did tests and stuff and..."

"what!.... no mum please no NO THIS CARNT HAPPEN! NO NO NO PLEASE MUM PLEASE!" i said tears rolling down my face now

"yes son im so sorry" she said now in tears, we both were

"NO NO NO THIS IS WRONG NO HE CARN'T" I said screaming

"yes son I'm sorry but your grand farther is dead, he died I'm so sorry" she said hugging me and holding me tight.

"nooooo, no grandad you canr't no please don't no!" i said sobbing i rested my head on my mums chest my heart felt so heavy and i couldn't take it all in he was gone he couldn't he can't i loved him so much and now he is GONE.

"i know sweets i know you loved him so much" she said trying to hold back the tears as well

"but why mum? why him? why now? its not fair i loved him so much and i didn't even get to say good bye" i said tears filling my eyes once again i couldn't control myself i could hardly breath and it felt like my heart was in my throat why? why him?

we was like that for about 10 minuets before i calmed down and my mum made me my favorite tea but i didn't eat much of it i mean how could i just found out my granddad the one person that i could turn to no matter what, the person that i loved so much is now dead and it was killing my to know that i didn't even get to say good bye.

i woke up and it was dark i checked the clock [3:00am] i remembered about whats had happened earlier and instantly regreted it its was so unfair why did he have to go i loved having him around me ha always made me feel so loved and yes so did my mum but not like he did and now i hate myself becuase i didn't even get to say good bye...

♡ ♡ ♡
~ C

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