Chapter 2

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(A/N I dunno wtf was the picture above me was telling but that's Aito's room in the Mansion, he added some stuff to it I guess? Alisbsc did this but I won't mention it anymore, LETS GO BOIIS)

Aito's POV

The time where I walk inside that mansion had my mind blown away on how huge this is MUCH more huge than the mansion-looking-castle I saw at YouTube and Movies. "Wow! So this is what a true Mansion looks like" My eyes lit happily showing how amazing this is... while Aveline gives me a confused look since I was also mumbling stuff on how amazing this Castl- I mean ''Mansion'' was. A brown haired girl came up to Aveline to question on what happened here while I was muttering on how amazing It is, I go up the swirky stairs and I happily jump up and down because... It LITTERLY HAS A 3RD FLOOR AND CHANDELIERS LIKE A CASTL- I MEAN- MANSION!! It was huge! I'm pretty sure I'll be going confused and lost in this mansion, but no need because pretty sure Aveline knows that I AM gonna be lost so I'm in good hands  "So where am I gonna stay in this huge mansion?" After I said that the atmosphere changed  quickly. Then I heard people shouting while the whole room was a ruckus. I questioned what that was then Aveline said those were the sisters, I guess it makes sense since my friends with siblings always fight whenever I visit their house but it stops for a few minutes later so I'll just suck it up this time, BUTT if they don't stop I'll get my headphones ready UwU   "Gab please show Sir. Aito the guest room" The brown haired girl which her name was Gab, gave me a green coat with white on it too.  Aveline said that she was gonna cook afterwards for dinner,  I questioned the other maid what time it is and the time on this fantasyland and was already 5:56 pm and I was surprised since what my phone said, it's already 1:00 pm.

The other maid and Me go upstairs to the guest room, on the second floor which was pretty huge for a guest room, I put my bag on the bed and lay on it since I needed it, me and Aveline were running around all day so yeah. I got up the huge bed and looked at the window then I saw a mountain/landscape kind of view or whatever you call it, besides it was mountains with flowers and a village. I turn my head around to see the maid and I questioned the maid what was her name just so I can reassure, her name was Gab, guess I was right then. I smile and offered her my hand "Nice to meet you Gab" She took of her mask and smiled at me greeting me too, then shook my hand.

Aveline came into the room telling that it was already lunch time and we had to go downstairs to introduce myself to the others. I get up and follow her, we get out of the room then Aveline was telling me to do this and that when I was gonna meet the sisters while the three of us go downstairs.

Other people joined the table and I saw the kids (Aveline's adopted children, technically*) I saved earlier and I waved them hello and they came up to me to bow and say thanks in a very formal way to me and I was flustered and didn't know what to do so I patted their heads and said your welcome. I then saw the sisters Aveline was talking about and they were kInDA  cute, especially the brown haired loli one.

I sit on the chair then another person sat down too and she had pink hair, she looked like an intimidating  bear so my mind went to defensive mode. Then I also saw two people, (Cotton candy looking-cats) stood beside Aveline and Gab and One was probably the mother and the other was a kid, I don't know but I hope I get to meet them later on. "So... Aveline, who is this peasant you brought into this mansion?" The leader of this house hold is a normal person but she also is wise and has great leadership??? Well I don't see that in looks but I will say this, I was also kinda annoyed by her sentence since they called me peasant but it's okay, they ARE royalty, right? "This boy is Aito, he came from the human world and is known to also save my spirit animals when I was buying necessities for dinner your majesty" I can't solve out on why Aveline is so calm and she speaks so formally at them, if I was in her shoes I would be sweating, and silently judging, but hey at least she pulled it out pretty good. Later on I got eye contact with the sisters while I was eating bread and they were staring at me non-stop like I'm they're prey which was scary so I had to finish my soup quickly to get outta there and run to my room. Which did not planned out as I thought was gonna be, after finishing my soup anf almost getting out of my seat and excuse myself, Aveline looked at me with a glare telling me to stay on my seat cuz it ain't finished, while she was also talking to the sisters. "So, peasant... you come from the Human world?" The brown haired girl was looking like a loli and I like lolis but she looked fishy, like I can't trust her more than other lolis I have encountered. "Yes...?" I was sweating a bit and was pulling my shirt a bit on my neck (even though the weather is warm) because this is a world where people like dragons exist and they were one so... I can be dead at any time just by them just by chopping my head off. "Bloomy do you think he is worthy of our time?" The blue-haired-girl shakes her head and It hurt my feelings a bit. This girl which I think her name was Bloomy? She is a sad girl who don't talk that much, she only answer to yes or no questions, by doing that she just nodds or shakes her head but she only speaks if she was talking to a sister, don't know where Aveline got that information but okay. "Hmmm, Aveline since you said that he saved you he can stay here for only a month just because he is a guest in this world." Already knew it but why a month though? "Hey hey hey why a month? He is a peasant and he is pathetic!" The orange-red Dragon girl was disgusted by me and she gave me the look that is already pretty obvious. "YEAH! He is NOT worthy of OUR time and should be already taken to the land where peasants live! Might as well kill him while we're at it." Another hurtful sentence by the Choco girl. The elder sister kind of hand gestured to come with her to talk about it and I didn't heard a thing because there were people behind me who were talking behind my back.

The girls standing beside Aveline and Gab was whispering behind my backs like I don't know... like c'mon they are a feet behind me and after the conversation with me and the sisters, also the girl with pink hair who was looking like a librarian though which was probably her job here also giving stares at me like we're having a conversation. "Ugh okay fine you can stay here for a month, don't cause any trouble pEAsAnt" The Chocolate haired girl stocked her tongue out like a child and I did that too to also say that I also dislike her. "BUT IF YOU harass or do anything violent, you will be sent to the basement and you will receive daily punishment. After that, you will be kicked out after a month." The orange-red hair was Chaos Fire and I now know why, she is aggressive and she is violent for a lot of times.
*An hour passes by*

"So can I go to my room now??" It's been an hour and I want to rest now because they have been talking to me non-stop and I just wanna lay on bed right now, my jaw is litterly almost gonna give up. "Yes you may go now" Ali (the elder sister) seems to also be tired because the one who have been asking me questions were mostly Choco and Chaos Fire, they were the ones who were the most annoying. "Oi brat, don't go staying up until midnight 'kay?" Almost gonna go to my room right now with Aveline since our rooms are next to each other and THIS gal right here saying things like that like I'm a child, even the damn brown hair agrees.
"Okay your 'majesty' " Me and the others (Aveline, Gab, and the Spirit Animals) went upstairs but I still haven't went to the bathroom yet so I asked them where it was and Aveline said "Go forward then you'll see two hallways, you will go to the right, then you will reached your destination" She said it with too much detail and I also saw Gab looking at her with a weird look, also saw her 'children' (gonna call them children now since they are one and spirit animal is too long) was sharing a bed... Wait, are they siblings?! Well now is not the time to question that 'cause I need to go to the bathroom right now so I say thanks and followed her instructions, while walking forward, I also saw the girls that were talking behind my back, so I went up them to say hi and their voices were very high-pitched and it was kinda annoying so I told them that I had to go now and finally did my business.
Everybody already fell asleep while I was decorating my room then after that, I lay my head on the bed thinking if I could ever wear my headphones tomorrow or not, but the other thing I was thinking about was the fact I still don't know what is the name of this world and it's language, they know how to speak English but the writing is kinda weird to me so I'll ask Aveline when she wakes up, which will probably be really early.
After all those thoughts came off my mind and I closed my eyes, then fall into a deep sleep.

Jello Everybody! Thank you again for reading this book, oh and btw Sunny, your part will be in Chapter 3 or Chapter 5, I dunno, but I promise I will finally write your role! Btw check out sunnyshimmers cause she's writing a new story and it will be her version of lazy life from Alisbsc so check those two out and I'll meet you again on the next chapter. Sorry if it's bad I'll try to make it better on the next chapter. (Btw Alisbsc I didn't plaigarise your version of my story but I guess you already know, How is it ''my" story if I stole it from someone else?) Bye! See you in the next chapter peeps!
Final word count:

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