Movie Night PART ONE

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Wrench said earlier this week that he wanted to do a movie night with me at his apartment. Me being the curious person I am, I definitely except and plan to go on Friday night.
Wrench seemed to act... scared... when I walked in unexpectedly to him and Sitara talking... so I don't know what's going on with that.
But other than that, he has seemed excited for this upcoming day, and I don't hesitate to say I am too.

It's Thursday night. I'm sitting alone in my king size bed. I wish he was here, and I wish he knew how I really felt. Sitara and Josh call me a simp for Wrench but sometimes I do act like one.
But I never latched one someone so quickly more than I did with Wrench. He is my whole entire world and he doesn't even know it.

I click through the channels waiting for something to intrigue me other than Wrench. It's really hard to get my mind off of him when he's half of my heart.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck
I am definitely not sleeping tonight. Marcus will be here tomorrow, and we are gonna have a movie night... friends friends... Don't go too far.... I could really fuck this up.

11:00AM POV-Marcus
I wake up to a news channel talking about some shitty protest in Oakland. I get up, and make my self an egg. The first one I dropped on the fucking floor... but I still managed to make an fried egg.

I ate my well-cooked egg that looked like a deformed pig. But I grabbed my shit, my laptop, my cellphone, and hopped in my car. I drove off into another bizarre day.
Once I pulled into the hackerspace area, I went down the stairs to see Sitara, Ray, and Josh.
"Where's Wrench?" I say looking at his empty bench and tools sprawled around his desk and floor.
Josh laughs and Sitara hits his shoulder.
"Ow!" He says but still with a small grin.

Of course I didn't know what this meant. Maybe Wrench was setting me up..... So my smile faded slowly and I dropped onto the couch.

I was gonna call Marcus to come over early, maybe I could take him to get coffee before tonight... Maybe it could set a... mood? Too... whatever. I'm gonna call him, and try to sort this out.

My phone buzzes in my hands. It was wrench.
I picked up and put him on speaker, as Sitara and Josh told me to do.
He adjusts his voice, and begins to speak, with a shaky voice.
"Hey, uh, do you think I could pick you up for c-coffee? Like... before all- before we head back to my place? It's, uh... fine if you can't, I just-

"Of course. I'll be in the by the park, wrench."
"Oh- okay then. See you there." He says as I end the call and smile.
I look at Sitara and Josh, as soon as I look at them, Sitara WHEEZES.
Josh hits his fist on the counter and laughs.

"I'm getting suspicious, what's so funny?" I ask them with a smile but I was still confused.
"Did you hear his voice?" Josh says
"Just go, Marcus, he's gonna be here any second..." Sitara says pushing me to the stairs.

As I step outside, I sit onto the bench under a tree. It wasn't long until I saw a WKZ van speeding down the road.
He slams the breaks and gives me the (><) look.
I chuckle and get inside the passenger seat, and he takes off.
"Hey... uh, you okay, your voice on the call was-"
"I'm fine, how you doing?" Wrench interrupts.
"Oh, I'm okay. Is this where we're going?" I point to a coffee shop on the side of the road.
Wrench nods and turns and parks on by the sidewalk.

As we head inside, Wrench opens the door for me.
"Ladies first," he says as a joke and I lightly punch his shoulder. He follows me, and we sit at the stools by the counter.
A lady comes up and takes out a notepad.
She raises her eyebrows at wrench, and he nods. I still don't know wtf is going on.
"What can I get for you two? She says pointing to both of us.
"I'll just get coffee today" Wrench says.
"Same here" I say with my hand up.
"Got it. It's on its way." She says with a smile and walks away.

"Sooooooo..." Wrench says tapping his fingers on the countertop.
"So, what have you been up to?" I say to him and he lifts his head up.

"Oh just preparing for-"
"Preparing for what?"

"...Tonight. I have a Netflix at home so we can watch movies of your choice M." He says connecting the tips of his fingers.

"Awesome! It's a great night to do this, it's supposed to storm." I reply to him.

"Yeah. Good day to stay in." Wrench looks at my hand as I explains

"Well isn't it always a good day to stay in?" I say smiling. Regarding all your crimes you've gotten away with.

"I guess your right." Wrench chuckles and the lady comes back with two coffees.
"Thank you!" We both say, as Wrench digs into his pocket.

"No, no Wrench, I can pay-"
"Marcus. I'm not gonna let you!" Wrench says.
I roll my eyes and continue to look at him pay.
We both get up with our coffees and Wrench looks at the lady.
"Good luck," I lip read from her mouth and now I'm just clueless to what it happening.
"What was that about?" I ask wrench.
He steps into the car as I do the same.
"She's a friend of mine."

Sitara got a call from the waiter at the coffee shop. It went entirely well she said, and that everything was going to go well. But Sitara was still laughing a few minutes after Marcus left.
Marcus doesn't know that he had this planned for MONTHS. Months I tell you. He knew what day, what time, what car, what, place, everything.

POV Marcus
We were walking upstairs to Wrenches apartment. Once we entered, i burst into laughter.
This bitch, made a pillow fort by the damn TV
He high-fives me and I sit down on the couch surrounded with blankets and pillows.
This was gonna be fun.

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