Stuck in quarantine day 1-7

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The Ginyu force sat in the living area of Frieza's ship. They couldn't go anywhere, not even on missions. They were stuck in quarantine. A virus had spread to many planets and Freiza refused to let anyone in or out. He wanted to protect the Ginyu force, of course, they were very loyal to him. All of the men sat there broad it of their minds. They had trained but that got old very quickly.

(Ginyu) "I know what your thinking men. What to do now?"

(Jeice) "Captain how much longer until everything is normal again?"

(Recoome) "Oh, Jeice we could be here for months or even years." They all let out a sigh.

(Burter) "Ahh, I regret all the times we've had to take boring missions."

(Guldo) "Agree. There are all men on this ship it driving me crazy!!"

(Ginyu) "Do not fear men, this virus should not last long. Soon lord Frieza will have us our and doing many many missions just like before!" The Ginyu force sat up getting their hopes up. An announcement was soon made.

(Frieza) "Attention!! As we all know this virus is keeping us from going out. And we are all bored out of our minds, of course. Sadly this quarantine time will continue until further notice."


(Ginyu) "Calm down. This is a great opportunity for some team bonding."

(Burter) "We already know each other well why would do that?"

(Ginyu) "Well, things have changed and I thought it would be nice if we got to catch up. Unless of course, you have something else to do?" All the members stood silent.

(Ginyu) "Good. So we make up 2 truths and a lie. We bet candy on which one we think is the lie. Burter, Guldo you two are a team and Reccome and Jeice are a team. I will be the judge."

(Jeice) "How come we can't choose our own teams?"

(Ginyu) "Because I'm the leader! Whichever team gets the most right wins! Reccome you go first."

Recoome: "I can dance, I won against a strong enemy or I like chocolate."

Guldo: "Those are all truths!"

Jeice: "No he didn't win against Goku and he was strong I bet all our candy on that one! Wait do I bet or not he's on my team?"

Bruter: "I think you bet for you, how did you divide it up?"

(Guldo) "I'm confused." The force yelled over each other all their questions and complaints until Ginyu came up with a new idea.

Ginyu: "Ugh. New plan!"


I need ideas for this sorry it's short etc. Read my other stories and bye.

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