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Please tell me that I'm not the only person who when writing in a person's point of view will suddenly change to third person and then realize it after typing like the whole thing, then having to go back and change it all to the persons point of view!!!! I have done that so many times that I have now lost count! I surely can't be the only person who does this, right?!?! Like I'll have it say their name and then in the next sentence I'll say 'I' or 'we' or something like that!!!

Here is my example:

Jay's POV
I slowly walked threw the park, an ice cream cone in hand. A raven haired boy walked beside me as we chatted. Jay licked the ice cream on top of his cone and looked over at Cole who had an ice cream as well. I smiled as I saw him lick his ice cream a little bit getting on his nose. The Lightning ninja chuckled softly as he watched his friend, who was clueless of the ice cream on his face.


You see what I mean! I will constantly switch back and forth and then have to go back and change it all!!! This drives me insane and I know that I can't be the only one who does this!!

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