Valentine's Question

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Yeah I know that I'm a little late to be asking a question about Valentine's Day, but this question just popped into my head and I need to ask it.

Okay so last Valentine's Day me and my friends, we all gave each other Valentine's gifts. I also got a gift from a friend of mine who's a boy. Now don't freak out about it because we are just friends, and besides he gave a gift to some of my other friends as well. Now when I brought home all my valentines my mom asked who all they were from. When listing them off and I got to the one from my boy friend (notice the space between the words boy and friend) then my mom was getting dramatic that I got a Valentine's present from a boy. Now this is where my question comes in! My mom freaked out that I got a present from a boy, and didn't even question all the other presents that I got from girls. I guess my question is...

Why freak out when getting a Valentine's present from the opposite sex, when a Valentine's present from the same sex could mean just as much?

I mean I'm just friends with those girls and nothing more, but what if I wasn't!!! I mean my mom didn't even question it!!! I'm sorry for bugging you all but this just drove me insane. Anyways thank you all for listening to my rambling and I love you all! 💕

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