Chapter 16

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Two days later..
Sam P.O.V.
So I am at the office today being Hero he is having three days off he needs it. He told me he is going to spend the day with Alice, Shady and Aster. He is still being really loving with me. I look at him at the garage door and he pulls me into a hug and said " have fun being me and thankyou for doing this. I love you" " I love you. Now enjoy your day off. Hopefully I won't have to fire someone today" " haha you really don't like firing people do you?" " haha no" he slapped my arse and said " have fun today sexy but not to much fun" I gave him one more kiss and sent him a wink and said " I'll try not too"

I got in the car and drove to the nearest coffee shop and got three iced coffees and then drove to work. I got there and slid my work car and gate open allowing me to park. Yeah this got installed over the weekend meaning only people who owned working card or has meetings can park here. Members of the public was parking here and hero didn't like it. So he got this installed I parked the car on level three and then got in the lift and went down to level one. I saw Michael and handed him his coffee and said " okay so I don't know if you know but I am going to be the CEO for the next three
Days while hero has a break and stays at home with the girls. So if you need me I will still be in my office but when I am not doing manuscripts or meetings I will be in his office putting his new items in the right spots." "Hmm I thought you would say something about his office come with me." He got Amanda to be on reception and we walked into the lift and he said " so how are you going with everything?" " I am sad but I am trying to be the stronger one for the both of us like I go to my therapist so I get my feelings out there and Toby is going to be away for a long time so I have something to live for and I know that sounds horrible  because I just had a misscarriage about three weeks ago but that's how I am coping with the grief and planting aster gave me some closure" " yeah and thing about being horrible your not your dealing with your grief and that's good. I know for first week you took it hard. But now you are doing well and that's okay. You have been despresed for a while and you got the help you needed and everyday you are getting stronger and there is nothing wrong with that all. I am proud of you!" " thankyou Mikey that means a lot to me to hear that." " okay close your eyes" so I did and he walked me out of the lift and opened the door and said "okay open your eyes" I looked and said " wow it's amazing, thankyou" " hmm don't thank me, thank sky. We have put your office in here. Hero texted me and requested it to be in here. He wants you in here." I smiled and said " really that's great. Thankyou" I gave him a hug and sky came in and I looked at her and said " thankyou for all of this it's wonderful" " your welcome. Would you like an assistant today?" I didn't even think of it and I said " um am I in for a busy day?" " uh let me check for you" she pulled her iPad and said " yes" " okay well then can you ask Tommy to be my assistant today?" " yep absolutely I will give him a call now." " thankyou so much" they left me in the office and I had a look around it's amazing and I sent hero a text:
To my baby: Hey baby, thankyou for letting us share offices it means the world to me that you wanna share the room together.
From my baby: your welcome baby girl. We are missing you 😘 I miss you 🥰
To my baby: I miss you too baby boy  and my babies. Should I come home for lunch?"
From my baby: mm that's sounds tempting but then I won't you to go back so stay there but call me when you go on break I miss your voice😍
To my baby: okay baby, I have to go. I love you so very much ❤️
From my baby: I love you very much too ❤️❤️ yay you used an emoji 😂
To my baby: 😂😂
I put my things on my desk and sat down to my laptop he so sweet. I started to work on some emails and manuscripts before Sky let's me know I have meeting in an hour. Ew I hate meetings, going to be a long three days...
The new office:

The new office:

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My eyes adore you( Sequel to C.E.O)Where stories live. Discover now