Chapter 31

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So Tommy and Sky have been dating for a month now and when I made the announcement it's like spring came early cause love was in the air. Even I was affected by it I had been bring flowers in or having them delivered to her. Our office smelt like a florists for over two weeks.. we had bring your kid to work for a day so Sam being her brought the girls did we get work that day no buts that's okay. It doesn't matter right?? Bhahaha.
Sam is currently out of the office on lunch with Sky and Michael. It's Friday so the usual picnic is in order.
Tommy and I are actually down at at orphanage when we first starting going here it was just good for my image or reputation but now I actually love coming here. I sit with the children and read them stories. I do on the first Friday every two months. Sam and I have never really discussed about it about I think I would love her to come here and see them all.
Sam P.O.V.
I am currently at the picnic with Michael and Sky. Sky has been telling us about her date last night they went and saw the stars and Tommy bought her own star. So romantic. I looked at Michael and he said " okay so I have news!!" With a clap of his hands and I said " yes go on.." " I am getting Married in two weeks!!!!" I felt my mouth drop and I said " what really?? Omg I am so excited for you but you guys have only been engaged for a month today." " yes I know but I don't need to wait three to five years to know he is the love of my life. We live together and we basically live like an old marry couple. So this being said.. can you be by my side on the day as I guess you could say " maid of honour" and Sky can you be one of menmaids aka bride maids?" Sky and I both looked at him and said "Yes we would love too!" I looked at him and said "So are you planning most of the wedding then or is Harrison?" "No I am planning most of it we have a light blue colour theme. We have decide that we aren't going to wear suits we are going to be wearing bright and beautiful happy colours. Its our day and we would like to make it absolutely memorable.." Sky spoke first and said "that it will be whatever help you need we are there!" I nod my head agreeing before looking at my phone seeing the time and said "Guys we have to be in the office in five minutes..." With that we pack up our shit and ran to the office Building.."

At the office...

Michael is in reception and I am in a meeting about the new parts of the office that are going to be starting being built next Monday morning so I have been reminding staff members all week that they need to reminder customers that if they need appointments to go the the hotel.. which is where I will be mainly located next week . Hero will be here and I will be at the hotel with Sky as my assistant and Michael helping other staff. So I will be very busy next week, I am even thinking about staying at the hotel for a couple of nights but I will have a discussion with Hero about that he may not like it... I walk into office and grab my thing for the meeting to see a note on my laptop.

Hey beautiful sexy thang

I am out with Tommy doing things at the hotel. not sure how long I will be have fun at the meeting though and I'll see you later on! I'll text you soon though

I love you Baby girl


We have actually decided that when we have sex I will no longer be calling him Daddy, I find it weird and he has started to feel uncomfortable.. So we have decided to get rid of it and I think actually by doing this it impacted our sex life in a better way its more hot and steamer are now.. God last night I just wanna sit here and tease him with the thoughts of it but I can't cause I have this meeting I have a massive sex drive for the last days and when he comes back in the office I bet I will want him more than ever... I grab my laptop, book and folder and walk out and head straight to the meeting room.

An hour later..

A/n: Listen to this song in this part *SEX SCENE*

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