Chapter 3

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Mabel's POV:

We were all holding hands, I looked behind me and out the Fearamid to see Bill fighting the newly modified Mystery Shack. I held my breath as the circle around us started glowing a weird yellow colour. It was working! We were going to defeat Bill! This seance thingy seemed to be sucking all the energy out of me, and it seemed to be doing the same thing to everyone else. I weakly shot a smile over to Dipper who was almost opposite me, but he didn't return it, he looked like he was in pain. I hated this, I just wanted the seance to be over, for Weirdmageddon to be over and for our normal lives to be back, I want it to be normal again!

Suddenly, the side of the fearamid crumbled away, revealing Bill. He started hovering around us all, laughing.

"I know exactly what you guys are doing you know, and it seems to be working" Bill psychotically laughed. Why was he laughing if he was going to die?!

"And I'm not going down without a fight!" He glared straight at me. "YOU" he yelled, " You're coming with me Shooting Star!" his hand igniting and glowing blue, came rocketing towards me.

"Wait, no, take me!" I heard a weak voice yell. I opened my eyes a crack to see Dipper, still holding hands, but looking straight at Bill.

"Dipper are you crazy?!" Great Uncle Ford yelled. Bill creepily laughed again, then looked straight at Dipper.

"You want me to take you instead Pinetree? Deal!" Bill moved his blue hand away from me and straight to Dipper, grabbing him. I watched in horror as the blue flames engulfed him, burning him alive.

"Guys don't let go of eachother!" I heard Ford yell over Dipper's cries for help. Tears poured down my face, watching Dipper quickly burning in front of me.. I couldn't take this anymore

"I LOVE YOU DIPPER" I yelled, as I saw the last of him burn...

I quickly sat up in bed, breathing heavily, tears rolling down my face. I grabbed his hat from off my head and hugged it.

"It's just another nightmare Mabel, it's okay" I mumbled to myself. I haven't dreamed of his death for quite a few months now, and I was quite disappointed with myself. I sat up, squinting my eyes to try and see the clock. 3:28.

I sat up and grabbed my smaller bag I had bought with me. I got up and put an extra hoodie in the bag, my medication, my hairbrush and, for now, closed the bag. I didn't bother getting changed as I had fallen asleep in my clothes, so that would just waste time. I put his cap back on and quietly walked to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection, smiling to myself slightly as i saw myself in his hat. He would hate it when I would steal it from him, and it was even funnier when he would try to get it back off me.

I stopped looking at myself and went to the gift shop, secretly grabbing myself $100 out Stan's cash machine. I stuffed that into my jean pockets and walked over to the door to leave. I pulled it but for some reason it didn't budge. So I pulled again, this time setting off a loud alarm. Shit. I quickly ran upstairs as quickly and as quietly as i could, stuffed my bag under his bed and layed down, pulling the covers over me and pretended to be asleep.

I'm such an idiot, I almost blew my entire plan, i thought to myself. Soon after I heard my door pull open, and two people talking

"See poindexer, I told you, she is fine!"

"Fine, whatever"

"She would have no reason to trigger the alarm, I know my niece!

"Dangit Stanley! She isn't the niece you knew last summer, she has lost her brother! The closest person too her! You know what that feels like, too loose a twin don't you Stanley!"

I tried to keep my breathing steady, they think in asleep but I can hear everything they are saying and I wish i couldn't"

"But you got your twin back Stanley, she can't get Dipper back, he is dead Stanley and there is nothing she can do about it!"

Dipper is dead and there is nothing you can do about it.

This night couldn't get any worse. I tried all these breathing exercises my psychiatrist but none of them were working. I could hear Stan and Ford still arguing but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I couldn't deal with it much longer. I grabbed my head and I'm pretty sure i screamed but I didn't know anymore.. I just want Dipper back!

*Authors note*

I've kinda realised this isn't getting any reads lmao but I'm gonna carry on cuz im bored and hope is gets some reads in the near future haha,

Remember, reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!"

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