Letter #1

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You're pretty weird like me & you always make me laugh. We're so similar & we have this understanding. I look forward to each minute I get with you. You're an amazing person to talk to & you know when to be serious & when to be funny. You are irreplaceable, one of a kind, amazing, & I'm lucky to have you. There are more ways to love than romantically: I love you very much as my closest friend. Don't pretend to be something you're not. We're so close, I hope we don't lose this. Remember to slow it down & love/stay you.

I want you to know that you are the most important person in my life and you matter so much to me, you always make me laugh and you're very caring. You are not like one other person on this planet and I could never find anyone who compared to you. I love you so much just the way you are and I'm positive you're my soulmate. You never judge me and you're so open. You're weird like me and you suit all my needs. You're just like me, just different enough to be another person. I hope you never die and I hope you know I'm lucky to have you. I feel like I can tell you anything and you'll understand. Just remember how much you mean to me and how I'll never find anyone as amazing or get as close to anyone as you. :3

I can't wait to meet you and live with you and hug you every day and take care of you and experience so many things with you, I hope our connection never dies. I hope I never lose you and we can comfort each other and teach and grow and learn together.


Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now