Letter #3

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You always keep me on my toes & make my life exciting. You lit up my life just when I was ready to give up. I never know what to expect from you. I love being around you. I hope you know you make me happy, so please don't go. 

You have amazing taste in music & whenever you're around I feel super giddy. I don't want you to go anywhere. You might not see it but you matter. To me & to everyone you know. You're special. I know you want to give up, but please, for the little happy moments, try to stay here. I promise it'll get better. Let the little sparks of happiness keep you going. 

You're funny, sincere, amazing, (tall), caring, soft on the inside, interesting, important, & I couldn't be happier without you. I can't imagine if you were to go.

You're caring and so sweet and I see that you try. When I'm around you I have a sense of clarity. Everything just makes sense. Everything slows down. Everything is still. It's just you and me. Nothing else. Nobody else. Time disappears and it's all just you. Even if you don't always make sense, I can tell you're trying. I love you so much for that and for making me laugh, and making me so happy. 

I'm sorry I'm not always honest or ready to open up. I'm sorry for when I feel like I didn't react the way you thought I would, or for when I don't say the right thing. I want to open up to you and spend time with you and get to know you. You're probably a little scared to be so open and be so vulnerable, too. We'll go as slow as we need. I don't want to feel like I have to filter everything around you. I'm trying to get it out into the open more and not worry about not having anything to talk about or say. What's important is we try.

But if it is absolutely what you want, I'll (have to) accept your decision. Just let me say goodbye. I hope I never lose you. I hope you keep making me happy. I hope I can make you happy enough to decide to stay longer, even just for only another day. Every day I will. Just remember, you're important to me.

I love you so much. ♡


Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now