1; sk8er boi

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george coughed out the smoke in his lungs. it was a cold january, and it was brutal in london. george was early for school. two hours to be exact.

he had every thing he needed, his coffee, a full pack of cigarettes, his bag and his board. as weird as it may seem, he actually had reasons for being out that early in the morning.

george loved walking in the dark. seeing the sunrise over the solid snow on the sidewalk. he would skate down the street instead of the sidewalk since the street had little to no ice on it and they were empty anyways due to the early morning time.

but that wasnt the only reason he skated to school early that day. cheer practice. he may be a loner, but he wasnt a creep. he didnt go to the cheer practice to be a fuck boy and try to get with girls. he wasnt watching the girls.

there was only one star he had his eye on. the boy.

he was adorable. he had fluffy brown hair, wore the glossiest of lip gloss and had the softest voice. he was gay for sure. not saying that it was impossible for straight guys to be cheerleaders, but when it came to him, he was the shiniest rainbow you would ever see.

george adored him. his slim figure, his soft giggle, his little nose, everything. but, he would never notice george. he hid in the shadows.

george was an outcast. he rode his skateboard everywhere, smoked cigarettes, spray painted on subway walls and played a lot of video games. he didnt give a shit about his grades and only had two friends; will and josh.

george sat behind the fence, looking out into the football field, watching the cheer team practice for the next football game.

he didnt know much about this boy, but he really wanted to. from georges reliable source -also known as will- he was an absolute sweetheart and loved art more than anything. josh even told george that he talked to him a couple times and by that he learned that he was a straight-A student. typical.

he sat facing the street on the bench located right out of the football field. he scrolled around on twitter, internally roasting the people he couldnt stand.

after about 15 minutes of george being an absolute prick on twitter, he got out his lighter and a pack of cigs. he smacked the pack onto the palm of his hand to shake around the tobacco inside, or as will called it; "waking up the cancer."

he put the cigarette in between his chapped lips and flicked his lighter, shielding the flame with his palm as he lit the end of the toxic stick of paper.

he inhaled slowly, feeling the smoke clog up his lungs. he closed his eyes and sighed it all out, feeling as if his soul left his body once the toxic smoke was out of his respiratory system.

"that stuff will kill you, y'know."

george turned around to see the boy standing there. he sat there on the bench, completely awestruck as the boy he admired from afar was up close to him and was actually talking to him.

"is there something on my face?" the boy nervously giggled, literally seeing the awkward tention break when george pulled himself out of his daze.

"no, your just.." he paused. "just?.." "beautiful."

the boy blushed, and stuck out his hand for george to shake. "i'm alex."

"george." he responded, "whats your last name?" george asked. "elmslie."

george's face visibly changed, confusing alex. "you have a friend named stephen right?" george asked again. "yup. hes in our year."

"oh yeah. stephen lawson. he goes out with my friend will." george smiled. alex smiled back. "wow, small world." he giggled.

"hey can i ask you a question?" the brunette asked, sitting down next to george on the bench. "uh sure, shoot."

"why?" alex asked, pointing to the cigarette. george looked at the stick between his fingers. he sighed and looked at alex.

"you know how they say at least one cig can slowly kill you?" "yeah?" "thats why i smoke a pack a day." alex's facial expression dropped, his adams apple bobbed when he swallowed thickly.

"george are you okay?" he asked worridly.

george just smiled. "im fine love, its just that i lost some pieces of me and i cant put them in the proper places." alex blushed. he liked being called love.

"oh, by the way george, i know we just met and all but do you wanna hang out after school? ive seen you around and you seem pretty cool. i'd love to get to know you better." the brown haired boy asked quietly but proudly.

"id love that, meet back here afterrr...8?" george asked, inhaling his smoke one last time before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it.

"sounds lovely." the two departed as the school bell wrang, both had huge smiles on their faces as they walked into their first period classes.

- - -

"george i cant do this!" he whined.

"yes you can just hold onto my arms." alex pouted as he stood up on the other boys skateboard. the two were sat in the middle of the football field.

in the time that they've talked, they learned quite a lot about one another. george found out that alex spends almost all his time on fifa, he prefers iced coffee to normal coffee and that his biggest desire was to become a social media influencer.

when on the other hand alex learned that george doesnt like to wear socks during his sleep, he only wears black clothes and he plays the guitar.

sure, they were quite random things but they were both so engrossed in the conversation of their likes and dislikes that they grew on the other the more they talked. this is heaven. george thought.

"georgie i'm scared."

"youre okay, al, i promise i wont drop you, i gotcha, i wont let you fall." george said in a reassuring tone.

alex meekly nodded and grabbed onto george's shoulders, keeping his feet in a solid position as he held onto alex's waist as they faced each other.

george had a firm grip on alex as he began walking, the skateboards wheels rolled to the direction of his walking. the two laughed, seeing as how stupid they looked because that is definitely how not to ride a skateboard.

on the turf, the skateboard hit a rock, making the board jolt and alex tripped, landing on george who had broken his fall since he hit the ground first. the two giggled at their own ignorance. "you okay?" the blue-eyed boy asked.

"yeah." alex said, pulling his face off of george's chest, their faces only inches apart when alex met his gaze. "you have pretty eyes georgie." alex complimented, staring into the crystal blue abyss of george's irises.

"thank you love. so do you. their gorgeous, just like you." alex blushed.

"georgie gimme your hand." the brunette requested, making the other boy give him a puzzled look.

"uh okay?" george held up his left hand, alex immediately locking his fingers with george's, their palms molding together. "whats this?"

"nothing," alex said. "looks like we just fit."

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