15; for gods sake

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"fuck!" george cursed, as his laptop ran out of charge, before chucking it on the sofa next to him. it was nearing three o'clock in the morning and he was incredibly exhausted to say the least. he had been up for hours waiting for his boyfriend, alex, to return home. he had left several hours earlier with a few friends from school and normally george wouldn't be so concerned, but it had been hours since he had heard a single word from his boyfriend. no phone call, no text, not even a goddamn tweet.

alex, though george did love him, had a horrid habit of staying out too late and getting incredibly wasted. he didn't do it too often but whenever he did he would come home so smashed that he was barely coherent enough to remember his own name which left george to stay up to make sure he got to bed okay. he had to make sure the boy didn't end up hurting himself by tripping on something in the flat or anything stupid like that, but it also left him to take care of alex in the morning when he, of course, had a hangover.

george was, no doubt, getting sick of it.

it was never fun to take care of an irritable, hungover boyfriend when he had editing to do or other business care of. it was alex's own fault for doing this to himself so george just simply didn't understand why he always had to be the one to take care of his mistakes. he was so tired of alex going out at night doing god knows what with god knows who. he was always so far gone when he got home, george wouldn't be surprised if he became involved with someone else. even though that thought alone was enough to make george want to punch a wall.

the boy was suddenly ripped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of knocking on the door. george quickly checked his phone to see that it was just past 3 in the morning before rushing down to let him in. he opened the door to find alex, his hair ruffled and clothes crumpled, sitting up against the wall.

"there were so many stairs!" the boy exclaimed in a slurred voice. george sighed, picking him up and sitting him on the sofa, wondering why in the hell did he decide to take the stairs, considering his state.

"alex, where the fuck have you been!?" george hissed down at him and alex raised his head to meet the others furious gaze. seeming not to notice george's apparent anger, alex's face broke out into a cheerful grin.

"oh, hey!" he said then narrowed his eyes slightly, "uh- who are you?" george let out a frustrated groan and made his way down towards the boy.

"for gods sake alex," he muttered, "i'm george, remember? how drunk are you?"

"george? i know someone named george!" alex said excitedly, "i live with him! but shhh, don't tell 'im 'm drunk! he might get mad."

"oh, i am definitely mad," george grumbled, "now come on." he threw alex's arm over his shoulder to help him get up.

"this is fun!" the boy giggled and started to poke at george's sides.

"alex for fucks sake stop it!" he groaned, once he managed to drag him to the hallway, then started to lead him towards their bedroom.

"you're so grumpy!" alex slurred out, "why are you so grumpy?"

"why are you so annoying?" the other snapped back at him and the younger let out a huff.

"why do you have to be such a meanie?" alex asked, sounding quite like a small child, "you're such a big grump! grumpy grump meanie!"

"oh, jesus christ" george cursed and rolled his eyes at the drunken brunette before pushing the boy through the doorway to their bedroom, "now take off your clothes and go to bed, alright?"

"i don' wanna go to bed!" alex declared and crossed his arms over his chest, seeming more like a stubborn six year old who wasn't getting his way than a twenty one year old man, "'m not tired! i wanna have fun!"

unforgettable; memeulous + imallexxМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя