11; city lights

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it was midnight, and it was definitely not the time to have music on, especially in an apartment block. but george and alex didn't care. they were too caught up in their own world to care. the pair were dancing around the living room, george spinning and twirling the other around. to them, no one else mattered during times like this, only each other.

the room was dimly lit, faint shadows on the wall from the singular weak lamp by the sofa. the curtains opened, exposing the city lights and the noise of traffic below them was drowned out by their own thoughts and the faint music that was playing. alex and george felt like they were the only people on the earth.

they were all smiles, and giggles, and happiness, and of course, terrible dancing, but no one was there to judge them, well other than the bright lights of buildings, that shone through the window. but who cares, who cares if the city was to judge them, who cares if the world was to judge them? the pair only needed each other.

a slow song then came on, and the two exchanged a look, that made the younger blush and george smile. alex's head was buried in george's chest, geogre's arms slung around his small waist, as the two slowly moved around the room in sync. it could only be described as magical, no other word seems to fit.

"i love you alex, i really do," the dirty-blonde suddenly stated, making alex look up at him, nothing but love in his eyes. george could go on for hours naming everything he loved about alex's eyes. the were an ocean for him to get lost in, as blue as the sky, and in certain angles you could see little flecks of green, that turned the usual crystal blue into a light turquoise.

"i love you too georgie," alex replied, changing their position into a hug. that's how he felt most safe in life, wrapped up in george's arms.

the two swayed, from side to side, to the slow beat of the song, as the city lights watched them. alex quietly hummed the words under his breath against george's shoulder. the music flowed through the air trapping them in a musical web, one they wouldn't ever want to escape.

unforgettable; memeulous + imallexxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora