Deceit's Hat

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Prompt found on @/sanderssides_prompts on Instagram!

Deceit x Remus x Virgil mention

TRIGGER WARNINGS: one, single swear word and major character death. I think that's it though.

Deceit's POV

"Deceit, I won't ask again, please take your hat off. Either that or go to the office."

"No." I grabbed my books and stood. "I'll be taking my assignment and leaving, thanks." It took all of my efforts not to hiss at the teacher as they handed me the assignment. "Have a great day, Mx. Miller," I added as I closed the door. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Dad.

"Kiddo, did you get in trouble for your hat again?" Patton asked, not sounding upset or angered, simply concerned.

"Yeah. Can You come pick me up?"

I heard the clink of car keys. "Be there in five, Dee. Meet me outside."

"Okay. Bye Pat." I hung up and went out the front doors, sitting in the grass. I took the hat off my head, spinning it so that I could see the pale inside. There were two names signed on the inside that held an insane amount of value. I closed my eyes and thought back to them.

"Jan, are you sure you don't want to come with?" Virgil asked, holding Remus's hand tightly. "We could use your protection from the mobs of people." His tone was mostly playful, but there was an underlying hint of anxiety.

"You have Remus for that, love. You'll be okay." I gave them both a peck on the head. Remus swiped my hat from a nearby shelf, flipping it over and scrawling something in black sharpie. He handed the hat to Virgil, who snickered and wrote something too.

When I got my hat back, I looked at what they'd written. Remus had put his name followed by a dick, whereas Virgil had just put his name. I looked at them and fought a smile. "What's wrong, double D? Don't want our autographs?" Remus struck a pose, causing Virgil and I to giggle.

"I love it. Now, you two better get going before you're late for the concert." We finished our goodbyes, and they walked out the door. Patton and I baked cookies for their return. But, they never did. I woke up to the news playing the story of two teen boys being stabbed after the concert. Both of them bled out, and the bodies were found looted and with hands intertwined.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as a car horn honked. Next thing I knew, Patton was in the grass beside me, cradling me in his arms. "Shh, shh. Hey, Dee, I got you. It's okay kiddo."

I nodded and we got into the car. "You'd think that after a note from my therapist, they'd let me wear my freakin' hat," I sighed, trying not to cry again.

"You really miss them, don't you?"

I nodded. "How could I not miss my boyfriends?" I sniffled, feeling another wave of tears well up in my eyes.

"I was thinking about homeschooling you, so you could wear your hat without others getting upset," Patton said, glancing at me as he pulled into the driveway.

"I'd like that a lot, Dad."


If you're reading this, honestly, thanks. It's short and kinda shitty, but thanks. 

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