Down the Hall

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Logan was in his room, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. Despite it being 3 am, he couldn't sleep. Tears were spilling over his eyes.

He hated feeling so underwhelmed. He wished he could feel like Patton could. Patton was so animated but him? He was just robotic. Dull, lifeless, and robotic. He felt like his emotions were that of a three-year-old's, and it frustrated him to no end.

He sat up as he felt a sob build up in his chest. Why couldn't he feel like the others? He put a hand to his mouth in attempts to quiet his sobs, but it didn't help much.

He heard a sob that wasn't his own, and wiped his eyes. At least he wasn't the only one in pain.

In the room next to Logan's, Patton sat in a pile of stuffed animals, blankets, and pain.

His glasses rested on his forehead as he cried, feeling so much.

And he hated it. He hated being overwhelmed by everything. He hated how complex his emotions were, he hated being so sensitive to everything around him. He wished he could be numb, or at least more like Logan. He wanted at least an hour where he didn't feel anything.

He sniffled and choked on a sob, listening and hearing muffled sobbing from what sounded like Logan's room.

He thought about getting up to see if he was okay, but discarded the idea. He needed time to himself.

The next morning, after both had exhausted themselves with their tears, they saw each other at breakfast.

No word was exchanged as they continued the cycles of tears at night and pretending to be fine during the day.


Real short oneshot I've had sitting here that was just a concept at most. I'm going for a couple more posts this week. :)

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