Chapter 5

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"Louis?" Someone was shaking my shoulder. "You've got to get up soon." My muscles were screaming from overuse as I stretched out, my joints cracking loudly.
"What?" I mumbled. Opening my eyes blearily, I could make out sunshine through the curtains.
"It's almost time to get up." Liam grinned at me. It was morning already, and I was laying on my bed.
"Uhh..." I whimpered, burrowing underneath my covers. My head hurt, my muscles ached, my nose was blocked, I was cold and my throat was sore. "I - don't want to."
"You've been good about getting up, what's wrong, hmm?" Harry hummed, tugging the duvet away from my head. "One day hasn't put you off, has it?"
"Nah." I rasped. "I'll be up - in a minute."
"God, Lou, you sound like sh*t." Zayn frowned.
"Here." Niall offered, reaching under the blankets and clasping my wrist. "Two minutes." Seconds ticked away, as I felt progressively better. "Good?"
"Thanks." My voice was muffled but I stretched out, ready to face the day.
Two days later
I was about to face my first lesson without any of the boys there. "Try and make some friends. If not, turn into that kitten and swoon them all." Liam smiled at me.
"You'll be fine!" Harry grinned. "See you in a few hours."
"Bye!" I waved, before heading into the studio like room.
"Mr. Tomlinson, a pleasure." A woman who looked about twenty five swept over. "In this class, we just experiment with real life problems. You're welcome to try anything out, to have a safe battle with another willing student over in the designated area, or to study. It's a very free lesson. I do apologise - my name is Miss Weaver."
"Thanks, Miss." I smiled, before going over to the archery range to the left side of the studio. I'd rapidly improved over close-combat, and I was working hard at it.
A while passed, as I increased the difficulty using the fans and swinging obstructions that were built into the range. "You're very good." Someone said quietly. Turning, I saw a petite girl with long, brown hair and brown eyes. "Have you practiced much?"
"Not an awful lot, I've only had three training sessions." I shrugged. "I like it a lot more than the close combat stuff."
"I think it's awesome." She grinned. "I'm Trixie."
"Louis." I smiled back. "Pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise." Trixie bowed her head, before she headed off.
"I hope you weren't flirting with my girlfriend." A rough shove landed against my shoulder, unbalancing me so my arrow missed the target. "Oh, dear. Poor lickle boy missed."
"I'm sorry, but is your brain as small as your dick? She talked to me." I fixed the five men with an unimpressed stare.
"That's not what your mom said last night." One of them grunted, before grinning stupidly. "Yo mama is really hot."
"Well, yo mama is so old that her breast milk turned to powder." I recalled plenty of the old jokes, knowing that I had a verbal argument won.
"Yo mama is so stupid... That... That... When she tried to think, her brain fell out." One of them beamed with pride, as my eyebrows rose in disbelief.
"Yo mama is so short that she has to slam dunk her bus dare."
"Well... Yo mama is so... Fat... That... When she sat on an elephant... It turned into an ant!" Another one cried, and they all snorted.
"Yo mama is so fat than she turned her iPod into an iPad when she sat on it." I sighed, not wanting to get into a fight in my first week, but not prepared to step down.
"Yo mama is so, um, fat, that she caused a tidal wave when she got into the bath. You know, right, because waves, because she's so fat?"
"Yo mama is so stupid that when she got locked in a supermarket, she starved to death." I deadpanned turning away and going back to my archery, picking up another quiver of arrows. There was quiet mutterings behind me, which I ignored.
Suddenly, a great force slammed into me, sending me flying into the wall, which I smashed against. Something cracked in my arm, and pain flared up all down the right side of my body. "What'd you say, c**t?" One of them growled, as they towered above me. A boot lashed out, and my body twisted, until the lion let out a roar, teeth in their faces.
Several people screamed, but I reared up on my hind legs, snapping at them. They backed off slightly, until one of them grabbed a knife from the rack by the dummies. Cautiously, I prowled around them, amazed at how strong a lion's body felt.
"What's going on here?" The teacher re entered the room, so I turned into a tiny bee and flew across the room until I was near the back of the crowd of students, when I turned back into a human.
"It was the new kid, Tomlinson, Miss." One of them whined. "He attacked my girlfriend, then tried to hurt us when we stuck up for her."
"I highly doubt that, Mr Whiteberry. I can see Mr. Tomlinson is at the opposite side of the room. Detention, all five of you." Pain was still throbbing all over my body, but their horrified faces bought a smirk to my lips. "Class dismissed."
I swiftly made my way back to the dorms, avoiding any eye contact. As soon as I was back safely in my bedroom, I checked out the damage done. Blood was dripping down my face slowly, I had a black eye, a cut on my forehead and grazing down the length of my face. Bruises decorated my chin and neck, and one of the bones in my arm felt broken. With a sigh, I started to patch myself up the best I could.
"Louis? You home yet?"
"Yeah, I'm in the bathroom, two minutes!" I called back, finishing stitching up my arm. As I'd learnt a lot of first aid, I realigned the bones in my arm. Apparently, learning to sew (especially one-handed) had been useful.
"What happened?" Their faces paled as I limped out, my ankle strapped up from where it had become swollen.
"Got into a spot of trouble." I shrugged. "I'll be okay." Niall rushed forwards and hugged me, his powers starting to heal my injuries. The cuts, bruises, swellings and grazes disappeared quickly, until just my arm was healing. Niall gently held my arm in both his hands, watching as the deep damage slowly fixed itself.
"Who did this to you?" Liam's eyes were flashing. Looking around, I saw Zayn and Harry looking just as mutinous.
"Steve and his lot." Harry read my mind. "Back with a bloody knife." With his charming departing words, he left the room, Liam following.
"They'll take care of everything." Zayn cast a withering look at my almost-healed arm. "Trust me, they won't mess with you again."
"I don't really mind, they got detention. Which they should be doing round about... Well, finished?"
"Just now?" Niall and Zayn echoed, looking at me blankly.
"Dude, you're in deep sh*t." Niall whistled. "That was meant to be their annual mission! They're going to absolutely slaughter you if they get the chance."
"Wait... That means they're going to place last..." Zayn mused, a smile creeping onto his face. "Which also means..."
"Oh. My. God." Niall's face lit up. "They're going to loose ten points!"
"Meaning...?" I asked.
"Meaning they're going to fall below us in the ranking. We've got a chance at a prize." Zayn grinned. "Louis, you're a lifesaver. Wait until Liam and Harry figure this one out."
Several minutes later, a satisfied looking Harry and Liam appeared. "They may or may not be swinging from the training centre roof." Liam said with grim satisfaction. "And why are you so happy?"
"Steve and his goons got detention, thanks to Louis." Niall hummed happily.
"Soo...?" Harry prompted.
"Detention happened to be just gone." Zayn acted causal, inspecting his nails, but it was ruined by the grin on his face.
"Just now? Why's that - oh. Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh...." Harry's eyes widened, as did Liam's. "Wait, the ranking -"
"Mmm-hmm." Niall smiled.
"Louis... OMG!" Harry beamed, bounding over and hugging me. "You're amazing!"
"Guys - let's go tell them!" Liam yelled ecstatically, and they all piled out the door, dragging me with them. I hardly had time to grab some shoes to put on in the lift. "This is going to be priceless!"
"Attention, everyone!" Harry called loudly as we reached the bottom floor. All eyes turned to us. "I was just wondering, has anyone seen the ranking recently?"
"What's going on? Only Team 55 are beating you." A man who looked about twenty-two stood up. "What'd you do?"
"If you all want to witness some amazingness, feel free to join us in our conversation with Team 55, who are unfortunately on the Training Centre roof." Liam said. People followed us in crowds, all gossiping eagerly as we approached the small crowd laughing at Team 55's humiliation.
"Steve! As a Team Leader to another, I want a word." Harry shouted. "As you unfortunately might or might not have had detention, for harassing one of our team members, it seemed you lost out on the opportunity to compete in your annual mission."
"I'm going to murder you." One of them mumbled.
"At a certain loss, it seems that you will now place last. And, if I'm correct, doesn't than mean you will be loosing ten points?" Harry smirked. People gasped all around, and chatter built up.
"We will not...!" Steve turned purple.
"You're going to loose, Team 55. Do you mind awfully signing something? Just to admit your defeat? To us?" I grinned. "I had a nice conversation earlier. What was it you said to me? Yo mama is so stupid that when she tried to think, her brain fell out? Takes some thinking... Well done." People were laughing at Team 55 all around us.
We just turned to walk away when Steve hissed something quietly.
"I'm going to kill you, Tomlinson. Mark my words." No one else heard, but it replayed over and over again in my head for the rest of that day.

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