Chapter 14

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"YES!" We all screamed, leaping into the air. Fortunately, we'd left our bows on the rack behind us, so we could jump and scream all we wanted.
"We did it!" Trixie cheered, as she and Kat squealed. Finn hugged me tightly.
"Well done, mate!" He grinned.
"We won! WE WON!" I was already bouncing around again. Kat grabbed me in a hug, and I twirled her through the air, as we both laughed.
"Well done, Newtations School! We'll see you in the internationals!" We sprinted off the shooting range, running to find our family and friends.
"Louis!" Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry were waiting for me, and I leapt on them, effectively knocking the breath out of them. Liam swung me around in the air, the slight dizziness calming me down.
"Better?" Zayn asked, amused, as I stood there, laughing.
"We won!" I grinned.
"We know." Harry hugged me.
"That was awesome!" Niall also hugged me.
"Come on, Louis, we've got to go!" Nick yelled.
"We'll see you back in the dorm." After a group hug, I jogged over to the team.
"Let's go rampage somewhere to celebrate our truly spectacular thrashing of the puny creatures that call themselves opponents. I mean, let's go have civilised toast to the success of many hours work." Finn said, making us all laugh as we got into the limo that was waiting outside. As I checked I definitely had all the arrows in my quiver, and my actual bow, Finn rang somewhere up, making sure there was places. "VIP club, here we come."
"Won't we need ID?" I asked.
"Nope." Finn smirked. "Well... We've been out before, and they know us, but you'll have to hit them hard enough over the head that they think you're forty."
"Or, I could just do this." I offered, thinking of a random man I saw in the audience and shifting into him.
"Or, you could turn into an old man." Finn shrugged. "If that's how you really want to look."
"Haha." I laughed bleakly, turning back into my normal self.
"Finn! Hello! I watched on the live channel, amazing performance!" Some woman bustled up to us as Finn opened the door, holding it for us.
"Hey, Tash." Finn nodded, leading us over to the sectioned off VIP area, waiting for the person to remove the rope to let us in. It was a lot nicer than the ordinary bar, with large, comfy, leather chairs, dimmed chandeliers and shined wood tables.
"What'll you all be having?" Tash asked.
"Surprise us, Tash." Finn leaned against his chair. We all fell into conversation as our drinks arrived. "Now, don't get too drunk, I want you to remember this experience."
"Cheers to that!" Nick raised his drink.
"Cheers!" We all clinked glasses, before taking a sip. The alcohol left a tingling buzz after my drink, and more so after a second. Hours whirled past as we laughed and talked and drank.
"We should go." Trixie slurred slightly, glancing at the clock.
"Wha' time is it?" Kat asked.
"About eleven. Come on, you lot." Finn stood up. He looked the most sober out of all of us... Seemed like a heavyweight. What was that again? Ooh, shiny. "Louis?"
"Yeah?" I grinned at him, before giggling.
"Oh, come on." Finn pulled me up, holding onto me as I swayed uneasily. Nick caught Trixie just as she tripped, and we made our way out of the bar.
A... Something... Was waiting for us, and Finn lifted me in, while I stood there, laughing. Trixie was draped over Nick, giggling about a - a horse. Unicorn. Same thing?
"I don't envy your boyfriends tomorrow morning." Finn sighed, as he put my seatbelt on for me. "You're completely useless as a drunk."
"Meeee? I'm amazhang." I smiled lazily at him, and he rolled his eyes, sitting down and seatbelting himself in. The thingy took off, and I flopped against my seat, thinking of the day. Day? Night? Day-night.
"I don' feel great." Kat moaned, tinged green.
"If you're going to throw up, kindly do so in the bathroom." Nick pointed to the small bathroom, so Kat jumped up, before we heard her retching two minutes later. "Pleasant."
"Wha' if she f-f-falls?" I asked, extremely concerned.
"Even Kat's not that stupid, Louis." Finn grinned, as the aircraft came to a stop. "Nick, would you mind getting Trixie and Kat back, and I'll take Louis?"
"Yeah. Trix is on floor twenty, and Kat's on twenty three, right?" Nick asked, standing up.
"Yeah, in your dorm." Finn nodded. "Come on, Louis."
"Coming." I gave him a brilliant smile, before I tripped over nothing, forcing him to catch me before I smashed my face in. "Oopsy?"
"At least we're not in their teams." Nick sighed, tucking Kat and Trixie under each of his arms. They were like a... Like a... Like a... Bear. Simile. Smiley. Happy.
"Louis, don't look gormless." Finn chuckled, jumping down off the plane then lifting me down, waiting for me to regain my balance. "See you in the morning, Nick. No practice."
"I wonder why." Nick drawled, before he headed off to the one set of dorms with Trixie and Kat. I went to follow him, but Finn turned me around.
"You live in the other dorm, Louis." He laughed.
"Do I?" Surprised, I stared up at it. "It's big."
"God." Finn muttered, leading me along with an arm around my shoulders as I stumbled over my feet. He opened a door - when did that get there? - before he led me inside the empty building. Was it empty? There was something over there. It might have been a table.
"Floor twenty eight." The female, robotic voice said as the lift doors opened. When was I in a lift?
"Delivery!" Finn called, rapping on the door. Ten seconds later, it swung open. "Have fun."
"How drunk are you, Louis? Thanks, mate." Liam nodded to Finn, who grinned back before he got in the lift again. "Are you going to stand there all night?"
"That's nice, Lou." Liam rolled his eyes, tugging me inside and locking the door. "Hey, guys! I'm not on Louis duty tomorrow!"
"Why's that?" Zaa... Zayn... asked, as three men walked into the room. "Oh."
"Hey." I giggled. "I'm Louis."
"I know." Blondie asked. "Remember us?"
"I think so." I hummed, as I walked over, swaying ever so slightly. "I - I know you."
"Good observation." Someone else sighed. Who said that?
"Come on, Lou, you should go to bed." Liam pushed me forwards gently.
"And do what?" I laughed.
"Sleep, Louis." Liam said sternly, walking me inside a door. Room was familiar. Frog familiar. No frog, though. "Do you even know which floor you're on?"
"Floor. Floor like ceiling. Ceiling like floor. Floor like carpet. Ceiling like carpet." I mumbled. Several people chuckled behind me, but I paid no attention, flopping down on my face onto the bed, before I started rolling over, not stopping when I fell off the bed until I hit the wall, just rolling on the spot.
"For God' sake..." I was picked up, and placed back on the bed. "Can you get dressed?"
"Don't you like my... My..." Staring down at what I was wearing, I tried to place it. "My suit? I like my suit. Suit pretty."
"Li, just wrestle him into his onesie." Harry giggled. Harry... Since when did Harry get here? "I was here when you came back, Lou."
"Were you?" I smiled at him dreamingly. "Hi."
"Hey." He smirked back.
"Do you actually remember us, now?" Liam chuckled.
"Oh, God." They all groaned.
The next morning, I woke up, head pounding. My stomach flipped and I rolled over, throwing up into a trash can that was carefully placed. Groaning, I flopped down onto my bed, feeling awful.
"Hey, Lou." Someone stroked my hair back. "How are you?"
"I feel awful." I whimpered.
"I know, you got drunk last night." Their voice was soft, fingers continually stroking through my hair. "At least Finn got you back in one piece."
"Finn...? Oh. We won!" I gasped, sitting upright, but my stomach protested wildly and I threw up into the bin again.
"Come here." They pulled me into them, and I took a deep breath. Liam. "Do you want Haz to make you some tea?"
"Hazza!" Liam shouted softly, aware of my pounding head.
"Yeah?" The familiar voice walked into the room. "Oh, Lou." Harry kneeled down beside me, pressing a kiss to my head. "Sugar?"
Soon enough, my sweetened tea arrived, and they helped me gulp it down, clearing my head slightly. "How much did you drink?" Liam asked, as they all sat down on my bed.
"About... Thirteen." I whispered.
"Without food?" Zayn chuckled quietly. "Good going, Louis."
"Poor thing." Harry got the hair out of my eyes. "I'll go get some painkillers." He left the room as I tried to block out the headache, just burrowing further into Liam's embrace.
"Here." Niall took me, arranging me in his lap. "I don't know if I can heal hangovers or not."
"It's poison, so you probably could." Zayn said thoughtfully. Harry walked back in, slipping two tablets into my mouth before lifting a glass of water to my lips. I drank thirstily, draining it dry.
"Hungry?" Harry asked me.
"Not really." I murmured, settling my head into the crook of Niall's neck, trying to practically disappear. Niall lay down on the bed, tucking my head under his, arms wrapped around me. The headache was a bit better, but not much.
"You'll be okay, Lou." Liam laughed quietly.
"It's just like any other hangover." Zayn smiled.
"I'm never drinking again." I mumbled. "First and last time."
"If you say so, Louis." Harry ran his fingers through my hair affectionately. "I'll go tell Finn you're alive and that he doesn't need a replacement archer."
"I'll come with you, Haz." Liam got up. "I'm going to get that training session in."
"Bye..." I said weakly.
"Back within two hours, Lou." They both kissed my head, before the door shut.
"Feel better?" Niall asked me, and I nodded slightly. The headache was clearing quickly, along with my uneasy stomach. "I'm just going to brush my teeth, then."
"Did you at least have a fun night?" Zayn said.
"Yeah..." Despite feeling okay two seconds ago, the headache was returning with full force.
"Niall!" Zayn called. "I think you're going to have to hold Louis all day! He's sick again!" As I rolled over, my stomach lurched and I was sick into the bin for a third time. "Louis..."
He pulled me up, wrapping his arms around me comfortingly, as I whined at the headache and the stomach pains. Niall soon lay down on the bed and Zayn put me down, letting Niall hug me.
As we lay there, the headache lessened, the stomach pain not as piercing. I relaxed, sighing contentedly. It was going to be a long day.

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