Chapter 16

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The week passed slowly, with Finn pushing us harder and harder, to the point Liam was carrying me back every night, and I fell asleep in the dressing room. Kat, Nick and Trixie were doing just the same, but I could feel my fitness increasing already. I was a lot more strong, fast and general agile.
"You look knackered, Lou." Zayn said worriedly, taking in my appearance as I trudged into lunch on Thursday. My plans for the afternoon were carefully laid out, and everything was in place. Trixie had kept to her word, apart from Josh, who was going to be impersonating me at a party Trixie was throwing. We'd spent the week studying my little habits to make everything run smoothly.
"I'm fine!" I grinned, feeling awake. I'd skipped the morning classes, as I could always read up on what I had missed during the summer ahead. Drew had told me it was still a possibility, and his dad was fighting to get me cleared to stay by myself, but, with one day to go, it wasn't looking overly hopeful.
"If you say so." Harry kissed me as I sat down. "Nice nap?"
"Yeah, what a great time I had training hard - oh, wait, I was asleep." I smirked.
"Well, have fun at the party." Niall rolled his eyes as I helped myself to some lunch.
"Fancy going out tomorrow?" Liam suggested. Panic flared inside me, but I didn't let it show, knowing there might be something awfully wrong at the city.
"I'm too tired, Li, I'm just going to stay in." I smiled gently, knowing they would stay behind as well.
"Okay, sure, I won't go, then." Harry shrugged. They all agreed to stay on campus during the morning, making me practically sigh with relief.
"See you guys later." I gave them all a swift kiss as I stood up after lunch, making my way quickly back to my room to change.
After picking out some party-right clothes, I got changed into my suit that I had sneaked back, ensuring my bow was in it's case underneath my bed before I folded them, going to Josh's floor and knocking on the door. Fortunately, it was him who answered.
"Cheers, mate. Good luck." He smiled at me, taking the clothes.
"Thanks." I grinned, before I got back in the lift, going down to my floor again, getting my bow and tying my quiver around my waist. Then, I shrank, my bow, quiver and suit disappearing into fur as I changed into a plain, tabby kitten, unlike my normal one. Hopefully, it would help to conceal me.
Making my way across campus, I noticed how quiet the area to the city was, shivering lightly. Even if it hadn't been reported, or maybe it was a coincidence, something had happened that was driving people away.
When no one was looking (or rather, the about ten people who were around weren't), I transformed into a cheetah and took off, landscape blurring as the city got larger and larger.
Ducking behind a building, I turned back into the kitten, trotting the short way until I reached the highly secure government building. I'd thought of nowhere else to go, and Trixie was the only one who knew I was here, Josh being the other person who knew I wasn't at school.
My bow materialised as I transformed back into myself, sniping out the cameras wiring, knowing the whole system would go down undetected, and I praised The Lord that I had been able to land the shot. Retrieving my arrow as a bird, I slipped it into my quiver, before the minute bug thing I turned into flew straight down the vents.
Coming out into a room full of computers with people working behind them, I noticed a certain suspicious group of people and decided to do a fly by. Fly? Bug? Bad pun.
"... People are going to be suspicious, Wilkins. We need to find that boy, and kill him. No one must know. We have a vague picture, but it's not clear enough." Zipping around, I glanced down at the phone someone held and froze. It was blurry, but I'd know him anywhere.
"Trixie!" I gasped, practically falling over, seeing the last of the party people return, knowing I had to get to Josh's floor in five minutes.
"What's wrong?" She asked, alarmed.
"It's Finn." Panting, I bent over double, trying to contain the fear. "They're trying to find him, Trixie. They want him dead."
"What?" Mortified, Trixie blanched, and sunk down into the sofa, shaking. "H-how...?"
"It's because he was the only one who witnessed the murder, Trix. Someone was killed at the Government's orders, and he saw, and got away."
"We need to tell him." Trixie paused, thinking. "I'll run and catch Josh up, and tell him to impersonate you longer, just going to get a book or something to read over the summer. You go find Finn, but you've only got minutes, Louis." I rushed off, trying to remember what floor Finn lived on, before jabbing forty six.
As I was going up, the doors slid open and I turned into a fly at the last moment, being the first thing that sprung to mind, and flew onto the ceiling of the lift. To my horror, Steve and some blone bimbo got in, screeching nonsense far too loudly.
"Which idiot presses a button then gets out? We've got to wait now." Steve scoffed. "Forty six. Who lives there?"
"That really annoying idiot who tries to live up to you, Steve." She giggled, twirling her hair around her finger, almost making me puke my guts up.
"Finn." He growled. "Maybe I should tell him what he's got coming for him."
"Oh, but wouldn't that be wasting time?" She simpered, making me go light-headed from the extreme nausea. "After all, I'm sure we've got things to be... Doing."
"Of course, baby." He smirked down at her, and I swore I was about to chuck. Not a moment too soon, the doors opened at forty six and I shot out, flying under the doorframe before turning into my human form again, nocking an arrow and creeping down the hallway.
"Who are you?" A voice demanded, and I shot around, arrow pointing at their face.
"Where's Finn?" I asked.
"Why do you want him?" He walked forwards distrustfully. "Wait - Louis?"
"Where is he?" I pleaded. "I need to warn him." Not lowering my bow, I glanced at the doors. "Please tell me he's here."
"What's wrong? I'm Max, I'm his roommate." Max opened one of the doors. "Finn! Louis's here."
"Louis?" Finn came out. "Why are you here, and why do you look like you're about to faint?"
"You have to run, Finn." I whispered. "They're looking for you." They both froze. "Run."
"I can't." Finn sighed. "I knew this would happen."
"What?" Max looked between us.
"The Government." Lowering my bow, I stared desperately at Finn. "They're trying to find you to kill you, Finn. Please, run! I haven't got much time."
"How do you know?" Finn asked curiously.
"I just broke into the city building."
"You broke in?" They both gasped.
"Bloody hell, mate." Max whistled.
"I need to get in there and delete any records of me that they have on site." Finn fell deep into thought.
"I'll do it." I offered.
"If they catch you, you're going to be in too much trouble, Louis. No..."
"You watch me. I'm going back tonight. It'll be easier, unless they've reinstalled their CCTV cameras yet." Shrugging, I put the arrow back in my quiver. "I shot them out, but they've got a picture of you, Finn. It's a matter of time, so I'll try to take their computers out."
"You don't know how, Louis." Finn grumbled. "You'll have to take someone who knows their stuff."
"I'll go." Max offered. "That is, if you can get me in, Louis. I took a degree in computing and IT."
"Meet me at midnight behind deliveries, ready to go." I nodded. "I've got to go, before someone notices I'm missing. See you later."
"Thank you, Louis." Finn said quietly, but I just smiled and left, going back to Josh's dorm room.
"Louis, thank god!" Josh sighed as he opened the door. "Classes end in about thirty seconds, get going!" Taking my clothes, and a book Josh had borrowed to buy some time, I got back in the lift and unlocked the door just as the bell rung.
I ran down the hallway, shutting the door behind me and stripping my suit off, putting it with my bow, before getting changed into something more casual. The door opened as I was putting the party clothes in the wash.
"Hey, Louis, how was the party?" Liam grinned at me as I came out.
"Awesome, thanks. Shame I ate all the food." Easily playing off my nerves, I flopped down onto the couch. "Tired, though. Lots of dancing." Everything was going fine as the five of us talked, until I met Zayn's eyes.
'Don't do it.' He mouthed, eyes desperate. My heart sank - he could see the future, and knew what I was going to do. It took all my willpower to shake my head minutely, seeing his vulnerable eyes show me his fear.
"I've got everything I could on their computer system, and two weak points I need to take out before I go into their main system. I'll need time." Max muttered to me as I crept behind the shed at midnight.
Zayn had been waiting, and gave me a hug before I left, knowing he couldn't stop me and would just endanger what I was going to do if he roused suspicion. It had cracked my heart, but I needed to do it for Finn.
"Okay, I've got all my arrows, but I can't leave even one behind, as they'll identify whose it is." I whispered. Max nodded.
"How are we getting there?"
"We're flying, of course." Stepping back, my body morphed into a Pegasus and Max laughed quietly before he sprung up with surprising agility, settling just in front of my wings.
We took off into the sky, my body colour turning black to help conceal us. Max's dark suit was also anti-reflection, and I vaguely remembered a lesson during which Mr. Banks might have said that they absorbed radio waves, so it was like nothing was there.
Some time later, I landed in the shadow of a building, and Max jumped off my back, letting me transform into a human. "Okay, I'm thinking a very similar way to how I got in earlier, but we can't use the vents, obviously."
"I can turn invisible, and my suit will absorb detection apart from my head and feet." Max said thoughtfully. "My mutations are super speed and invisibility."
"If you knew the way in..."
"I could get in decently well. At the least, they wouldn't be able to see who I was before I got out." He sighed. "If everything goes wrong, meet here at two o'clock. Quarter past two, we assume the other is dead or captured."
"Sounds about right." I grimaced. "Turn invisible, and I'll fly beside you. Then, I'll retake out the cameras, if you could collect the arrow, then find your way to the computer room. It's on the left side of the building, towards the back, past a row of offices. I'll meet you in there in twenty, by computer thirty two."
"Got it." Max nodded, before he melted into the night. "Hurry up." As I turned into a small bug, I noticed the building looking even more menacing, and flew towards it, landing and transforming back. "Hurry!" Max whispered next to me, so I nocked an arrow, shooting out the right wire again. The next second, he slid it back into my quiver. "Computer thirty two in twenty minutes."
Then, I was alone.

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