Just a Normal Day

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Madison quickly brushed her chocolate-brown hair back and started braiding it. She shivered with excitment. Today was Sunday, her favorite day. This Sunday, she was going to work with the kids in the back room, behind the small church. She secured her french braid with a blue hairband and slipped on her lime green silk skirt. She ran over to her closet to pick out a shirt. Glancing from one side of the closet to the other, she couldn't find anything to wear! Finally, she remembered she had recieved a package in the mail on Friday from her best friend, Isabel. It was good to know that her friend still cared about her. Madison tore open the package and lo-and-behold, a cotton turquoise shirt layed under some wrapping.

"Perfect!" she whispered to herself as she took off her pajama shirt and put the new shirt on. She slipped on her worn-out brown sandles as she ran out of the house. As she skipped out onto the dirt road, kids from every direction met up with her. They talked about things that happened during the night and things they plan to do in the future. Walking with the kids was one of Madison's favorite thing to do. She silently thanked God for her friends and the people He had put in her life.

A hour and 6 miles later, the group of children, as well as Madison arrived at the church. The congregation was fellowshipping just outside of the building.

"Hey Madison! How are you?" said Mr. Sanders, the pastor.

"I'm great Mr. Sanders. And how are you?"

"Pretty good, thank you for asking. Have fun with the kids today. I'll see you after the service."

Madison walked away slowly and entered into the barn behind the church. There was straw all over the floor and toys that covered it. Suddenly, a group of kids ran into the spacious room, screaming and yelling. They sprinted around the room, picking up toys on their way. Phoebe, a little three year old girl, clung to Madison's leg. She pouted and sat on the straw, looking up innocently at Madison. Madison laughed and picked up the little girl who then started smiling. Then, Gloria, the teacher, came into the room.

"Good morning children." she said smiling, "Good morning Madison."

"Good morning Gloria." Madison said smiling.

They started their lesson about Jonah and how he chose to run away from God. In the end, Jonah did what God had asked him to, but only after he was punished. Madison thought about that. If God had asked her to something that was really hard to do, unbearable, and even life-threatening, would she do it?

After the lesson, the kids started playing again. Madison sat on the floor next to Cate, another little girl around four years old. She smiled at Madison and sat on her lap.

"I'm going to go to the well to get drinks for the kids." Gloria said as she walked outside the door.

Madison watched the kids play with their blocks and she smiled. She was glad she had the oppertunity to help out with the kids and she thanked God for another beautiful day. Suddenly, the door slammed open. The little kids screamed and ran to Madison. She picked up Phoebe, who was shaking and whimpering. Four men ran in, wearing black uniforms and masks around their mouths. They ran toward her and held a gun to her head. They looked at her sternly and yelled, "Are you a Christian?"


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