Don't forget your bathing suit

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*Knock knock*

* Rose opens the door. She was wearing a white pleated skirt with a light pink shirt that had a little strawberry on it with the word yum, and her long pink hair pulled back in a tight ponytail"

"Oh Hi alpha, Is there something you need?" "I just wanted to check on you and Mia, To see how close you were to being done" Revoce said

"Oh yeah, me and Mia are almost done packing our suitcases. we are also cleaning up our Room so when we get back we don't have to worry about it" Rose said cheerfully

"Great so that means you 2 won't be much longer... right?" Revoce said the last part carefully.

"Oh come on! just because we're girls doesn't mean we take forever to pack, If I remember carefully ZANE took the longest to pack last time" Rose said, crossing her arms playfully

"Haha, Yeah I guess you got a point there. Oh by the way mia's older sister sent over some Bracelets for all of us" * Revoce hands rose two small bracelets with a gold ring in the middle*

"Oh you mean Jasmine, I haven't seen her in a years. didn't she go off to college to study magic?" *Rose takes the two bracelets from revoce*

"Yeah she did, She enchanted all the bracelets to give a pinch to everyone if something happens to one of us, You know... since we're going somewhere new"

"Wow you know that's actually pretty smart. Now I'm sorry but I should probly get back to packing, you know since "girls take forever to pack" haha" *Rose chuckled to herself*

"Yeah of course sorry for keeping you for so long.... Oh! I forgot, where all meeting at the bus stop, it'll be leaving in 2 hours. Now I better go check on the twins. Bye rose" *Revoce walked down the Hill towards the twins cabin*

*Rose closed the door and walked back into the main living Room. She took one of the bracelets and put it on, handing the other 1 to Mia*

"Oh... What's this?" *Mia said, taking the bracelet from Rose*

"It's a bracelet that Jasmine enchanted to keep all 6 of us connected during this adventure. Revoce just gave it to me" rose said

"Wow Jasmine and chanted these? That's so cool.... Hey rose I have a serious question for you. Should I bring the Violet bikini or the red bikini?" *Mia said holding up 2 different Swimsuits*

"Hmmm, I would definitely have to say the red one, Red just looks better on you" *rose said, She points to the red bikini*

"The red one it is! Which swimsuit are you going to bring rose?" *Mia put her swimsuit in her suitcase along with some sunglasses*

"Haha, It's a surprise, you'll see when we get there" *She's zipped up her suitcase and put it on the ground, along with her travel bag*

"Awww, Rose you're so cruel" *Mia dramatically falls down on her bed*

*Rose plays along, She runs over to the side of Mia and starts to dramatically cry as if her friend is dead* "why Mia, just why. You were too young to die, you had so much potential and so many boys to see"

*Mia instantly bolted up* "Speaking of boys, Do you think there would be any cute ones at the beach?"

*Rose started to laugh* "Yeah probably. Anyway we should probly get finished cleaning up so we can meet everyone in time"

"Yeah you're right let's stop playing around"

*The 2 of them finish packing, And finished cleaning their dorm Room. two hours had passed So they grabbed their things and went to go meet the rest of the pack. Revoce, Zane, Coraline, And Keith We're already there, Coraline noticed the 2 of them approaching and waved to them and rose waved back*

"Sooo... Where exactly are we going? All you told us was to pack for the beach" *Keith said, leaning on his suitcase*

"oh yeah I should probably do that. Well the principal asked me what we were planning on doing for this summer, I told him that we didn't have any plans and that we're probably just stay on campus all summer, Then he offered us to stay at his vacation home next to the beach, He told me there was a resort close by to the house that he was planning on going with his daughter and his family, but his daughter is sick so they can't go, Now we also have passes to go there all summer" Revoce said

"Oh my goodness that's so cool! But what about us being werewolfs will that make it difficult to have fun?" Coraline said

"No unlike this area they are very friendly to non human creatures such as ourselves. I was very happy to learn that their places around the world that except werewolves" Revoce said

"That's so cool, I'm extra excited now!" *Coraline said wagging her tail*

*The bus pulled up. Everyone grab their suitcases and bags and got in, As usual Coraline and Keith sat together, Mia sat by herself on her phone, Revoce Read a book quietly, Rose sat quietly looking out the window, And Zane as per usual didn't know what to do with himself. About 30 minutes went by when they finally arrived to the docks Where the ship was waiting to pick up passengers on their way to the island. Everyone take all there stuff off the bus And got Escorted to their rooms on the ship.*

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