Camping near a beach

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A few weeks went past and Mia decided that the group needed to go on a camping trip in the nearby forest on the island. It was well known for its almost picture perfect camping spots and beautiful clear streams. Everyone was packing and yet only Mia knew where they were going, She wanted to keep it a surprise, she wouldn't even tell Rose.

*A voice came from outside Mia and Rose's Room*

"Mia please just tell me where we're going I promise I won't tell anyone else"

*Mia sighs*

"Zane I already told you No.  Now are you packed?"

"How my supposed to pack when I don't even know where we're going"

"Zane I already told you everything you'll need,  You have no more excuses. Now go finish packing and also please check on the twins and make sure they're packing"


"Thank you Zane"

"Are you seriously not even gonna tell me?" *Rose said with  a teasing voice*

Rose had been trying to get Mia to tell her where they were going for the past half hour And she was getting nowhere.

"Come on you can trust me, pleaseeeeee"

"I know your tricks Rose and I'm not going  to fall for them, You're going to have to weigh just like the rest of them"

Rose looked defeated, She zipped up her duffel bag and laid back on her bed.

"Fine... I'll wait"

*Mia smiled*

"Good. but don't worry you won't have to wait much longer it's almost time to go"

"Great I'm done packing so I can go and tell everybody it's almost time to go"  *Rose put her bag on her bed and left the Room walking across the Hall and knocking on the twins door*

"Hey it's almost time to go, are you too almost done packing?"

Something sounded like it had fallen over on the other side of the door and then a voice came.

"Yeah we're almost done"

"What was that crashing noise"

"Don't worry about it"

"Who am I talking to right now"  *Rose asked as she tried open the door*

"You're talking to Keith right now and the door won't open we have it locked"

"OK got it, now what was that crash"

*Another voice came from inside*

"I was trying to move my suitcase and I dropped it, there's no need to worry Rose" * Coraline said*

"Oh OK well we're going to be leaving soon so please get done and come downstairs as soon as possible"

Rose walked away from the twins Room confused about what just happened. She walked up to Revoce door and knocked on it.


"It's Rose, may I come in alpha?"

"Oh yes of course come on in"

Rose open the door and  walked inside. She was expecting to see him packing but instead he was sitting by the window reading a book.

"Alpha shouldn't you be packing? we're going to be leaving soon" *Rose asked*

"I finished packing about half an hour ago so I decided I would read a little bit"   *Revoce close his book and placed it on his bed*

"I'm not surprised you usually are the 1st one done"   *Rose said smiling*

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