Chapter 15

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I glared at the people in front of me, "Do NOT tell anyone about this." I added firmness in my voice, showing just how serious I am about this. No one else has to know my morning spot, people are gonna start coming here and ruin my alone time.

Mayla's grin grew wider, her body language screamed 'no' and I wasn't about to acknowledge that.

Before she could speak up, I did her first, "I'm serious." The firmness still there, "This is the only time I have by myself without my little sis."

"But what if we do tell? What would you do?" She teased, clearly curious and satisfied with what she's doing.

"Are you seriously blackmailing me?" I deadpanned, the information slowly sinked in and her eyes went wide. I grinned, "A Yaoyorozu blackmailing a low life. Now that would come off as a snob like behaviour, it would ruin your reputation."

Playing with rich people is like my sixth sense. Many of my past relationships were a little... toxic, as people might say.

"Blackmail?" She blurted out, her face still looked like she was still in shock by my factual words, "What– why would I do that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know." I scanned the clouds for the right word, "Popularity, maybe?"

Mayla scoffed but what really grabbed my attention was the voice of her cousin, Momo giggled. When I turned to look at her I saw her refusing to giggle, her fist to her lips.

My brows instinctively knitted in place, "Miss Heiress, why are you laughing?"

Her eyes snapped open and a blush formed on her cheeks as she stared. She cleared her throat and smiled at me sheepishly.

I could feel Mayla's glare at her cousin, it was practically radiating off of the hero-in-training.

"I-I'm sorry." She said, a few giggles escaping her lips as she did so, "It's just..." she snorted, which was unexpected and surprisingly adorable, "It's so funny!" And then she laughed.

"Mo it's not funny!" Mayla exclaimed, trying to calm her laughing cousin, "It's not even true!" She grumbly added.

Momo snorted – there's that small sound was again – she waved her hand at the brunette, one hand clutching her stomach, "I-..." she didn't even get to finish her sentence when she burst out laughing again.

Mayla groaned and grabbed her cousin by the arm and started tugging her out of the scene, which was difficult seeing as how Momo almost looked like she didn't want to leave.

Mayla waved her hand over her head, "Don't worry, Jirou! We wont tell anybody!"

I sighed in relief. Now that that problem is out of the way, let me get back to my dorm, Kumi might be trying to find me by now.


Melody-Sensei clapped her hands, grabbing the attention of the others that were talking amongst themselves. She smiled warmly when she confirmed everyone was listening to her.

Melody Touka. She's our Singing Teacher. She almost seems like a choir teacher when you come inside the room and by the way she teaches you how to sing. She also teaches us how to write songs and their structure. Basically, she's a cool gal.

She tilted her head and with my quirk, I could hear the boys do a sigh of relief and I snickered. She looked around the room, "I am going to choose two students to come to the front and do a sing off."

Many hands raise at the offer, many hands except for me and some blonde from the far corner.

"Purple haired girl with the earbuds and blonde girl that looks like she doesn't have a care in the world." She announced, the others groaned not being picked.

The Musician and The Business Woman  {MomoJirou AU}Where stories live. Discover now