Chapter 26

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Kyoka groaned. Her head was in pain as it throbbed hard. She remembers the last time it feels like this but she couldn't remember why did she feel like this the last time. Now was the same.

She could feel the pain and she could feel the coldness wrapped around her but she doesn't know what happened and why she was hear.

She shuddered. Why was everything so cold? Even her insides felt cold despite her body temperature. Gods she felt like she had just died and came back to life again. Even if she was resurrected, the cold feeling she had felt for a year or two would still be there, now with an added bonus of being actually dead.

A pair of warm hands were placed softly on her forearm. She tried to open her eyes but her body protested. Ugh, who was she thinking? She was exhausted, why would she want to open them anyway?

The warmth on her arms slowly seeped in her bones and spread throughout her body.

"Jirou?" A voice echoed. That gave her the smallest amounts of relief. Though unfamiliar, it was far more comforting than the darkness and cold.

She felt her head move a little to the direction of the voice, but it was just a small twitch, she doubted the woman wouldn't notice it.

"Are you awake, sweetheart..?" So soft. So full of concern. How she just wants to listen to the voice and coo her to sleep.

But she can't do that. Not now. She had a set aside job to do.

Kyoka gave a small grunt as a response. She could feel the wave of relief that the lady emitted, she could also feel the small smile and she just wants to open her eyes right there.

"Can you speak?" Just patience. The one person she had talked to with such patience was her own mother, only her and none other than her.

She tried opening her mouth, but she couldn't really feel it. Only when words starts to flow out did it occur to her that she was speaking. "I don't think so..."

"Small words. We're using small words Jirou..." The lady whispered with the same patience.

"What... happen..." She didn't even try to punctuate it the right way. Just as the patient lady told her, she just has to use small words.

She could feel the nod. Then she picked up the sound of swivelling and the hands on her forearm was removed.

"Lo.." She mutters.

"Don't worry. I'm just checking some notes." That didn't really answer her earlier question but she was willing to wait, she had nothing else to do. 

The faint sound of scratching and Kyoka knew that it was pencil to paper. She couldn't help the ghost smile on her face. Years of writing songs, she practically memorised the sound of writing. It was like her sixth sense.

After a long pause, the voice came again. "You were found in the bathroom, passed out and bleeding."


"It was good that there were girls trying to use the bathroom, if not you would have suffered an infection or die from slow bleeding." There was scribbling again, taking note of her reaction. "Do you remember why you were there in the first place?"

Kyoka's eyes finally open, though it was barely parting but it was enough to make her see a blurry version of the clinic's ceiling. So this was Recovery Girl she was talking to.

"I don't..." She murmured, her voice felt like it vibrated through the quiet room. "I just remembered the pain... and..." Realisation dawned her. But her fatigue didn't give her a chance to react.


"Do you remember now?"

Without realising, tears were falling freely from the corner of her eyes. She pushed her away. She pushed her away because she was blinded by trauma and anger. She shouldn't have done that.

She was an idiot. A fucking idiot that only made things worse.

Her head twitched slightly, a small effort to nod. "Yes..."

Scribbling, then stop. "Is it alright for you to tell me?"

I fucked up, was what she wanted to say. But this was the school nurse she was talking to, she has to have some level of discipline.

"I wanted to use the bathroom because I wanted to vent... Kumi wasn't in our shared dorm and I really needed an out..." She hiccuped.

"Why didn't you just go to the guidance office? I'm sure Cementos can help you."

Her throat was dry, "I don't know..." She admitted, "All I knew was I need to blow off some steam."

"Does this has to do with Momo Yaoyorozu?"

She froze. Just her name was enough to make her freeze. She even transferred schools in her high school just because each and everyday, all everyone can talk about was Momo. Momo here. Momo there. She just couldn't take it and forced her parents to move, despite the lack of money.

Recovery girl seemed to notice this too. "I see..." She said, "Did something happen between the both of you? She was absent today and that is rare for a Yaoyorozu to do."

Well she could blow off some steam now...

"The cafe... an hour before classes started. Mo– Yaoyorozu and I just happened to be there-" Hiccups, "-she tried to help out for planning my sister's party but I pushed her away..."

"Did you push her away because of some sort of past trauma?"

Kyoka took a shaky breath, "How'd you know?"

"You're little sister filled me in with the basic details. She was worried, you know."

"I know... I always know..." She laughed hoarsely, "She's my little sister after all..."

"Whatever this trauma is. I recommend you dwell with it than pushing it away. With my own personal experiences, I know that it's hard. So I also recommend have someone in the room if you decided to talk about it." Recovery Girl gave her forearm one last pat, "It's just personal advice and I hope you find your peace in life."

The Musician and The Business Woman  {MomoJirou AU}Where stories live. Discover now