Chapter 2: With Wings

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He knew he shouldn't have asked her, but she was his roommate and there were times she would get him things he needed from the supermarket. It's not that he didn't know what pads were, and why she needed them; it's the fact that he's currently standing in between two middle-aged nosy women while trying to figure out which of the several brands to get for Ino.
"Need help?"
Gaara turned around, looking at a short African-American woman with a bright smile. She looked to be around her fifties with a short bob-like hairstyle.
"No." he replied, staring back the packages in front of him.
Sighing, he grabbed two packs and stared at them.
"Does she prefer with or without wings?"
Gaara looked up as the store clerk was now standing in front of him with her hands behind her back. The two other women near him were looking at him as well, as if waiting to hear his response.
"I....don't know..." Gaara replied while examining the two packages again. Why did it matter if the pads had wings or not? He knew that Ino kept her boxes of pads inside the shelf that was underneath their bathroom sink, but he rarely paid attention to the package itself.

Well, this one right here with wings will make sure that the pad stays securely in place alongside her panty lines."
"And this one right here is without the wings. Basically helps with re-adjusting without much fuss."
"Do you know what your girlfriend prefers? Or maybe she prefers tampons?"
He was ready to correct the woman and tell her that Ino wasn't his girlfriend, but then his cellphone vibrated again. Speak of the devil and her new text message.
"Get me some chocolate chip cookies too! The soft baked ones though; not the hard ones."
Sighing, Gaara texted back. "OK."
He paused for a moment and decided to ask her his eminent question. "Do you want pads with or without wings? Or do you prefer tampons?"
"Such a thoughtful young man." one of the ladies said next to him, causing Gaara to look at her from the corner of his eyes.
"I wish my Robert had done the same when we were young." the other lady on his other side said. Gaara remained quiet, hoping that the two women and smiling store clerk would go away. But nope, they were still there and Ino hadn't texted him back. Blocking out the chatter around him, he decided to call his roommate up.
"Wings or no wings?"
"I didn't ask for chicken, Gaara. Cookies!"
He groaned and closed his eyes. "I meant the pads. Or tampons..."
Ino laughed at the other end. "Well, aren't you thoughtful! Pads and with wings."
He disconnected the call and grabbed the necessary package, quickly making his way away from the gawking women. After grabbing a box of chocolate chip cookies, he made his way to the cashier.
The supermarket was near closing time, which had caused all registers to be closed except for one. With a box of chocolate chip cookies, sanitary napkins, and his protein powder in hand he ignored the smiles other middle-aged women were giving him. Wearing his gym outfit, gray men's gym pants with a white t-shirt, he stood between two other men on the line. The cashier was an elderly man and the moment it was Gaara's turn in the checkout line, the man gave a small chuckle.
"The girlfriend got you buying her monthly supplies?" the man asked while scanning the items.

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