Chapter 5 the past - move day

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Wait wait! My hands are cramping!" Sakura said with a groan.

Placing the large wardrobe box by the edge of the stairs, Ino and Sakura sat on one of the steps and took a deep breath.

It was move in day for Ino Yamanaka, and she couldn't have been more excited. It had taken her weeks to find someone who would be willing to share an apartment with her in the middle of the millennial-booming city. With just staying for one week at her mother's place, her frustration with living with parents had reached the roof. Nonetheless, with college loans to yet be paid, she knew that getting a roommate was a smarter decision than living alone and having to bear all of those expenses by herself.

"All right, let's do this again."

"OK, I'll hold from the bottom this time." Ino said.

Counting to three, the two young women lifted the heavy box one more time and slowly began to climb up the stairs. Although she didn't have much furniture, she did own a lot items, particularly clothes. This was the second large wardrobe box that the two young women were carrying up the stairs and already their hands were turning red and paining.

"OK, my hands are slipping." Ino said with a tired sigh, and both girls placed the box on the steps.

Making sure that it wouldn't slide down, Sakura stood by the bottom of the steps and supported it while Ino massaged her aching hands.

"I wish Sasuke was here..."

"Where is he anyway?" Ino asked, eyeing her friend from underneath her bangs.

"Business trip. And Naruto's out of town with Hinata. He's meeting her parents for the first time. Where's Chouji and Shikamaru?"

"Shikamaru is out of the country with Temari on a two-week trip to Europe, and Chouji hasn't texted me back. He's probably stuffing his face somewhere."

Sakura frowned. "Hmm... What about Tenten? Extra pair of hands would be helpful."

"She's also out of the country... Traveling around with Neji."

"Jeez, are we the only two who's not having fun?"

"Seems like it. Now come on, we only have a few more steps left."

Counting to three, the two girls lifted the box again and began to finish climbing the steps. Nonetheless, upon having one step left, Sakura tripped over one of the steps, causing the box to lean forward and tilt heavily towards Ino.

"Aw crap, Sakura it's about to fall on me!"

"Shit shit shit! Wait, let me try to pull it back."

Trying to find a good grip, Sakura tried to hold it from the sides but instead of being able to pull the box back towards her, she ended up tripping again, causing the box to fall on her friend.

"Dammit Sakura!"

"Sorry! This is too heavy! What do you even have in there?!"

"Clothes! And get this off me! It's squishing my boobs!"

"OK OK, hold on..."

Sakura tried going around, but frowned. The box, which of course happened to be as wide as the staircase, didn't allow the pink-haired girl to go around it. And she couldn't pull it off because that would mean that the box would tilt towards her direction and fall on her. And for her, it would be worse considering she was standing by the steps.

"Ino, I can't get around it. And I'm scared that if I pull it back, I'll get crushed."

"Shit. Fine, let me try wiggling out from underneath."

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