Chapter 14: Sorry

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The garden across the hospital was packed. A large sign reading "Doctors Without Borders Fundraiser" hung between two trees as volunteers sold beautifully decorated cupcakes and flowers to the attendees. Several musicians from the community brought their instruments and played music, attracting more people to stop by the garden.
"Oh man, these cupcakes are so freaking good!" Naruto exclaimed as he bought another four.
"N-Naruto, slow down. You may get an upset stomach," Hinata said next to him, still on her very first one.
"Don't worry, I won't. And if I do, the hospital is just right over there!"
His girlfriend smiled, pulling out a napkin from her purse as she noticed white frosting on the blonde man's chin.
"Geez, Naruto, you still need Hinata to clean up after you?"
Said man narrowed his eyes at Kiba as he, his dog, and Rock Lee approached them. Kiba held a cupcake while Rock Lee had four in his hands.
"It's been a while, Naruto," Rock Lee said, using his free hand to give his old time friend a thumbs up.
"Yeah it has! What have you been up to?"
"I've been producing and managing my own entertainment studio. I've been saving some money in order to move across the country and kick off my career in film and acting."
"Wow, that's pretty great!" Naruto exclaimed, finishing his last cupcake. "Will you still be around for Sakura and Sasuke's wedding?"
"Of course! I'm actually one of the groomsmen!"
"Wow, so that makes me, Shikamaru, you, and Neji as Sasuke's groomsmen! I'm assuming you're paired up with Ino?"
Lee nodded with a bright smile. "Yup! I can't wait until dance practice! I'm wondering what type of dance Sakura wants us to do..."
"Hopefully nothing too crazy," came Shikamaru's reply as he and Temari walked towards them. The dark-blue cast over his ankle was visible, and Naruto pointed at it.
"How's the ankle?! Think it'll be healed before the wedding?"
"Yeah," Shikamaru replied with a shrug. "It's been healing, I'll be fine by then."
The group continued chatting about the wedding, all of them excited to be part of the wedding considering Sakura and Sasuke were the first ones in the group to marry out of the remaining couples. During college, bets had been placed in terms of who would marry first, and the choices had narrowed down to 2 couples: Sasuke and Sakura, and Neji and Tenten. The latter simply due to the fact that Neji was a very traditional person who stuck closer to his family's values compared to his two cousins and was not shy in asking for Tenten's hand in marriage. The issue? The brown-haired girl didn't feel ready, and he understood.
"Ladies and gentlemen!"
Everyone turned their attention towards the center of the park as a woman waved her hand in the air.
"Thank you all for coming to our event and helping us fundraise for this year's Doctors without borders! You are helping a great cause. Last year, our team was able to provide healthcare for women in third world countries. These women are now doing much better and are also educating others in their community!"
"Wow, that is great to hear," Temari commented as the announcer continued speaking on the great tasks performed from last year.
"Yup! And we should keep supporting by buying more of these delicious cupcakes!"
"I'm sure they'll reach their target with you buying all of them," Shikamaru said while giving a smirk to Naruto.
"Hey guys!"
The group turned their heads as they saw Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, and Tenten approach them. Neji and Tenten greeted their old friend Lee, glad to be seeing him after over a year.
"Wow, it's like almost the whole gang's here," Naruto said, "We just need Gaara, Kankuro, Choji, and Ino. Temari, where are your brothers any way?"
Temari shrugged. "I texted them. I know Gaara's with Kankuro and Kankuro did mention about coming. I'm assuming that he'll bring Gaara too."
"And Ino should be here as well. I know she was helping with setting up the flowers." Sakura added, glancing at the beautiful designs. The beauty of it all reminded her of her wedding, and she placed her hand on her growing stomach while thinking about it.
The group continued chatting for another thirty minutes. They mostly talked about the wedding and where the small dance practice would take place. While Lee, Tenten, and Temari were excited about being able to dance, Shikamaru didn't look too happy and Naruto seemed just as nervous as Hinata. The group remembered how terribly Naruto danced in college, often trying to drag Hinata to the dance floor but the shy girl always refusing.
"Wow, is this a party or what?!"
They all turned around to see Kankuro approaching with a smile, Gaara walking right beside him.
"You guys are late!" Naruto exclaimed, already on his twelfth cupcake. "You're missing out on these delicious cupcakes."
"Do they have alcohol?"
"Then there's nothing to be missing out," Kankuro said with a smirk before turning his attention to Rock Lee. "Lee! Wow, I haven't seen you in years! How's it going?"
Lee smiled at him with his bright teeth and thumbs up. "Going well! I'm planning on moving across the country to pursue my career in film and arts!"
Kankuro congratulated him on that, and Lee replied with a thanks before glancing at the red-haired male standing across from him. Even though their altercation had happened years ago, Lee and Gaara hadn't spoken much to each other after that, primarily because both of them decided to not speak with the other. While they weren't enemies, they definitely weren't friends. In Lee's opinion, Gaara's personality had improved tremendously. However, it still did not solve the tension the two had between each other.
"Wow, almost everybody is here. We just need Ino and Chouji!" Kiba said.
"Oh, she's right over there!" Tenten pointed, everyone following her line of sight and watching as the blonde young woman was helping with organizing some more of the flowers.

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