Part 1

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"Goodnight Seattle! We've loved you!" Mark shouted over the microphone.

"No! That can't be it!" I shouted to my best friend Kylie. We've been friends since forever.

"Zoey, drop it! It's over! We can't do anything about that!" She called back. I didn't want the night to be over, blink was my favorite band and I couldn't just end the night right there.

"No! ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!" I chanted. In less then two minutes the whole stadium was echoing 'encore'. Even Kylie had started joining.

All of the sudden someone came onstage. It was Tom and he was tiptoeing around the stage. He grabbed a microphone and shouted. "Who the fuck interrupted my sleep?!"

"HER!! HER!! HER!!" Kylie screamed as she pointed at me as I jumped up and down.

"You? Get your ass up here!" I squealed. I'm going to go onstage, with my all time idol. Holy shit.

I hopped onto the stage and put my fist in the air.
"Why did you interrupt me sleeping?" He talked into the microphone. The crowd screamed as I looked over at Kylie who had started crying.

I whispered into his ear. "Encore?"

He gave me a look like 'are you fucking joking?' And whispered back. "Do you wanna stay up here?" I covered my mouth to hold back the screams and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd and to a room behind the stage. And there they were. My idols. They've been my idols since I was 10! Inside I was screaming and crying of happiness. But on the outside I put a huge grin on and stood there happily.

"Encore?" Tom said in a hyper tone. Mark moaned as Travis smiled.

"Please explain why this girl is in here?" Mark smiled at me.

"She's the one who started the chanting." Tom stated.

"Fuck you." Mark said. I giggled as I knew he was just kidding. Probably just tired from performing.
"Fine, better make this worth it. I'm fucking tired." He stood up and toned his bass. Travis stood up and grabbed his sticks and ran out the door. I peaked and saw he was sneaking behind stuff to not be seen. Tom ran out and started jumping up and down. Then Mark came out and slid on his knees on the floor. Tom ran to the door I was standing at.

"C'mon!! Have fun!!" I smiled.
"Do you play anything?" He nearly shouted.

"I sing?" He immediately grabbed my hand. Pulling me onto the stage and giving me the mike. He then whispered in my ear, "all the small things." I smiled as Travis started a beat.

Mark sang with me as everyone played their hearts out. Once the song was over Tom pulled me over and gave me a small pass that I put in my pocket. I then crowd surfed back to Kylie.


"YES THAT DID JUST FUCKING HAPPEN!!" I shouted. She screamed and we started watching again.

After 45 minutes the lights dimmed black then flashed back on. I grabbed Kylie's hand and pulled her to a place next to the stage. I showed the guard the pass. We walked passed him and I turned around to fangirl with Kylie. As I turned around I bumped into Tom.

"Hey! Follow me. I'll show you to the back room." We followed him into a room that had a few bongs and a few beers with a small Tv in front of a large couch and two chairs. There was a coffee table in front of the couch and that held a bag of spilt Cheetos, another bong, weed stems, and a few CDs. Looked more like a man cave, just for teenagers.

Me and Kylie sat down and we were smiling like kids.
"Do you guys smoke pot?" Travis said.

"Hah. I do. I'm not sure about Kylie." I looked over at her. She didn't seem happy or angry. Kinda in the middle.

"I'd be willing to try. Possibly." She shot me a short death glare.

"We probably won't smoke, I was just wondering." He smiled and I gave him one back.

"Are you guys from around Seattle?" Mark asked.

"Well Seattle is the only place in Washington people know about, so... Let's say yes." Kylie says as she smiles.

"But seriously, we are from Snohomish. It's like the suburbs." I say. Mark turns on some music as we all talk and hang out.

I stand up and walk to a mini fridge in the corner. "Guys! I'm getting a beer!" I announce.

"Get me one!" Tom calls.

"Me too!" Travis says.

"I want one!" Mark shouts.

"Bitch you know what I'm gonna say!" Kylie yells. Everybody laughs and I grab 5 beers and hand them to everyone.
"What time is it?" My words are slurred and I'm dizzy.

"I don't know. 2?" Tom says. His words sound fine even though he's had a few beers.

"How many beers have you had?" Mark says as he looks straight at me.

"About 10. I think." I hiccup.

"I'll drive you! Since Kylie left I got enough room!" Tom shouts at me.

"Tom, how many have you had?"

"Like, 3?"

"Get the keys!!"

Pretty little girl (A blink-182 fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara