Chapter 3: One Week Later, Not Much Better

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Robin was still very down. A week ago when he tried talking to Starfire about his feelings and it didn't go too well. This is what went down:

Robin: Hey Star, um... how are you?

Starfire: Greetings Robin... what are you doing here?

Robin: Well, I uh... wanted to talk to you about something. *Sits down next to Star on her bed*

Starfire: Yes Robin, what is it that you want to tell me?

Robin: Well, I've been getting the feeling that you are being a bit distant. I like you and I'm glad that we are together. But is there something that you want to tell me? Because we used to be much closer, but now I just feel like the warmth is gone from your end.

Starfire: *sighs* Robin, I do like you. But it comes to my attention that... well... even though we are heroes, it does not feel right being with someone too busy being a hero that they are never able to pay the attention to the relationship, especially if we are in the brawl with the evil.

Robin: But I thought that you liked that trait...

Starfire: It is the most admirable trait about you. But sometimes being a hero seems to be your priority. Even before us.

Robin: What are you saying Star? Do you not like me?

Starfire: No! Of course, I like you! But I do not like you, the same way that you like me... at least not anymore.

Robin: I understand Star... I won't pressure you into continuing this relationship if you don't want to.

Starfire: Thanks Robin, but you'll always be my best friend.

Robin: And you're mine. *Gets up slowly and walks to the door* I'll see you later."

Starfire: *Nods*

"I still can't believe she dumped me... ugh!" he screamed while flopping down on his bed. "Normally this stuff wouldn't bother me because we'd have missions and criminals to track down. But now... " he paused as he slowly sat back up. His face fell into a sad expression before he finished, "I just can't stop thinking about it..." He then rested his head in his hands.

"Hey, Robin..." Cyborg said as he knocked on the door. "You okay buddy?"

"Do I look okay to you?" He responded.

"Okay... that was a dumb question... but the point is, we need to get your mind off Star and the breakup."


"Yea, mah dude!" Beast Boy screamed as he suddenly appeared at the doorway and stood next to Cyborg. "We're going on a guy's night out brah! Cyborg found a new Sushi place nearby and you're coming with us."

"Uhm... I'm not sure..." Robin said.

"Come on Robin. It'll be fun and it'll get your mind off of Star." Beast Boy said toning down his voice.

"It'll be nice to get out once in a while. I mean, how often have you done this since we left our city?"

Robin just sat there thinking. He knew that he had to get over his breakup at some point. But he wasn't sure if now was the best time to go out and party.

He finally responded "Um... this all sounds great, but I don't think partying is the best option as of now. I mean, we just broke up a week ago. And I loved her."

"AW COME ON MAN!!" Beastboy screamed as he threw his hands up in the air, "WE'VE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOREVER!! GAHH"

"WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?!" Cyborg yelled over him, "If Robin doesn't want to go with us to the new sushi place for dinner, then he doesn't have to. Now go get your butt in the car before you make things worse."

"Fine! I was about to leave anyway!" Beast boy snuffs, sticks his chin up, and marches out of Robin's room.

Cyborg waits for Beast boy to leave before he turns back to Robin and says "Yo, I'm sorry about the kid. He gets cranky if he doesn't get his dinner on time. I guess we'll just bring you the leftovers of the sushi."

"Wait!" Robin calls back.

Cyborg looks over his shoulder with a sly grin, "Changed your mind?"

"Um... maybe... I guess I do need to get out a bit, and sushi does sound pretty good."

Cyborg smiles and turns around "Atta boy Robin! Just uh... make sure to change out of your uniform. Beasty and I have our Zoom watches to make us look human. See ya in the car Bro!" He said walking out of the room allowing Robing to change.

Robing threw on some ripped denim jeans and a white T-shirt.

Eh... I'm not going anywhere fancy. I think this and my leather jacket will do, he thought. He contemplated taking off his mask but then decided to switch it out for some dark shades. Robin made his way to the car and off the boys went to enjoy their night out.


Ani hated everything about this place. Her new school was trash, Terra barely has time to talk to her because they have no classes together, and all the kids at school (mostly the popular kids) picked on her.

"RAHHHH!! I HATE JUMP CITY!!" Ani screamed punching a hole through the wall, "... oops."

June entered through the doorway, "Wow... one week in and you're already trashing your coded house. I mean, it's no surprise that you were able to punch a hole through the wall," she sat down at your computer and began clicking away, "For someone who has as much strength as you, you need at least four layers of tungsten metal lining the brick walls of the house... there! All done."

She smiled and turned back to face Ani, who was sitting by her window, her knees up to her chest, in her usual black sweater with gray sweatpants. Her expression of happiness immediately fell to concern.

"Hey big sis, is everything alright?" she asked.

Ani looked up at her with the most sarcastic expression and exploded, "Me? Yea! I'm doing great! Why wouldn't I be?! The only friend I have in this school never speaks to me, I have no friends, and those popular assholes always drive me insane! And on top of that, I can't use my powers or find out who I am because THERE IS NO FREAKING CRIME IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN CITY! This is the best life ever! I LOVE IT!"

June just looked at Ani and blinked. A bunch. She had never seen Ani get this worked up about anything.

"Well... I don't need to go to school, and I don't care about having friends since I have many online, but I guess I understand."

Ani looks up at June with a look of annoyance, "Really June? You aren't helping!"

"*sighs* Look Ani. You shouldn't care about how people see you. You have me. And I'm sure Terra will come around and make it so that you both can hang out. And another thing, those prissy popular girls don't like anyone. And since you are this reserved, they think you are an easy target to pick on. But they don't know your strength. Next time they do pick on you, show them who you are. But not with your powers! That'll just make things worse! And besides, who needs friends anyway, you have books, studying, me, and a movie that you promised we could watch in our indoor theater once you got our takeout from that new sushi place."

Ani looked up at June and laughed as she stood up. She patted June on the head and then said in a playful tone,

"For a little kid, you got some pretty good advice. Thanks, kiddo, it really meant a lot. I'm gonna go pick up our takeout now before it gets too late. Go take a shower, find the movie, and get us some blankets."

June nodded and ran off to go do what she needs to. After that Ani looked at herself in the mirror on her bedside table.

Hmm, she thought, I don't think people would be able to recognize me. I mean, my hair hides my face pretty well, and my clothes are comfy and concealing. Perfect.

She walked out of her home and set off for the sushi place. But little did she know what was about to happen inside.

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