Dance into my Heart

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Hey I'm new to Wattpad, I like to write but it's hard to read your own work objectively so I would really love some feedback. Hope you enjoy! :D


"Come on Lena! We have less than twenty minutes to get to college or we're gonna be late on our first day."

Sighing Lena Lewis hitched her backpack higher up her shoulder and took one final look in the mirror. Her shoulder-length brown hair laid straight and conservatively round her face, her favourite hoodie and skinny-jeans ensemble feeling somehow comforting. All she wanted was to get through this day relatively unnoticed and settle into this new college without any fuss. New kids always got the gossip mills going... 

"Lena if I'm late I swear to God..." James called from the front door.

She smiled slightly to herself – at least she had James. They had known each other practically since birth, both their fathers being close work colleagues and life-long friends. The result meant that her and James grew up together, same playgroups, same schools. They had always looked out for each other, whether it was standing up to bullies or giving fake alibis to their parents. Now they were seventeen and faced yet another challenge, having to relocate to a new area for their dad's work. Great. 

"I'm ready, jeepers dude."

Opening the door Lena stepped into the morning sun to find James leaning against the brick wall, bag hanging off his shoulder looking casually messy and effortlessly cool. If it hadn't been for their family link, she doubted they would ever have hung out. He was handsome and charismatic with an athletic body - she was plain, slightly nerdy and not particularly girly. Back home girls would throw themselves at him helplessly but he never really seemed interested. Although she appreciated his appearance, she could never see him in that way – far too creepy considering their long history.

"Finally. Took your time didn't you," he scoffed, raking a hand through his slightly shaggy blonde hair.

Poking her tongue out at him, Lena strode past, jumped over the wall and began walking up the road. The local college was only a short way away from their street, the two of them living only a few houses apart which was rather convenient.

Being just over six foot tall, it only took a few strides for James to catch up to her. As she turned the corner a looming set of red brick buildings appeared in the distance and Lena began to unconsciously gnaw at her bottom lip. 

Sensing her nervousness, James draped an arm across her shoulders. 

"Don't worry short-stuff - you'll be fine and you know it." He shot her a wink, "I'll protect you."

Taking a deep breath, Lena straightened and walked through the college gates, heading to the front entrance.

"Get your arm off me," she laughed nervously, "do you want to draw any more attention to ourselves? People are already staring..."

"Such a worrier. I guess some things never change."

He made a show of removing his arm and Lena playfully nudged him in the ribs as they reached the reception desk of Mountview College.

As usual James took the lead, leaning forward on the counter as he talked to the young receptionist. Lena took the opportunity to look around, noticing the colourful artwork and bustling activity of students and tutors walking to class, cups of coffee and folders laden in their hands. Vaguely she heard James talking, catching the odd word of 'new here' and seeing him point to her over his shoulder. Deciding she better focus, Lena turned and moved closer to the counter.

"So, you must be James McPherson and Lena Lewis? Here are your timetables and maps of the college, if you have any problems with your courses inform your tutors as listed below."

Lena studied her timetable, relatively pleased with how it had panned out. She had always been intelligent and loved all the English based subjects, taking Philosophy, History and Eng. Lit. She had to admit that this college did have a great range of courses.

The receptionist looked up from their files and faced them.

"Do you both have your college ID cards? They should have been mailed to you in the last couple of weeks."

'Damn', Lena thought. Trust her not to get her card as James swiftly removed his from his wallet.

"It's no problem, just come round here and talk to this other lady and we'll sort you out in seconds," the receptionist said, pointing behind her to a woman at a desk to her side.

 Scowling slightly at a chuckling James, Lena sorted out her card as he continued to talk with the receptionist about their timetables.

As she returned to James he straightened and snatched up his timetable.

"Let's go then," he said abruptly, taking her by the arm and leading her into the fray of the corridors.

Lena looked down at her timetable to see what her first lesson was when she noticed a highlighted box marked 'EXTRA', written over with a 'D'.

"James, what does this mean?" she asked, pointing at the mark.

Looking to where she was pointing, he tried to suppress a laugh.

"Well, the funny thing is, this college requires every student to participate in an extra-curricular activity two times a week... and that's yours, well, ours" he smirked.

Grabbing his arm, Lena turned him and stopped.

"What the hell did you sign us up for?" she hissed.

"Dance class."


Thanks so much for reading! The next instalment should be soonish and I really hope you liked it :D Please like and subscribe and the what-not

Lauren x 

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