Chapter 4: The Move

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I'm going to try and start updating this book twice a week!

I worked a lot on this chapter! Remember to vote and comment your oppinion!

Love you guys!

*Nate's POV*

Well today was the day that we move from Birmingham, Alabama to Omaha, Nebraska.

Mom had decided that we would be driving instead of flying. She said we could bond more.

I honestly didn't mind but I knew there would be fights along the way.

See the five of us, Mom, Dad, my little brother Stewart, my older sister Mia and myself, all being stuck together in one car for 13 and a half hour wasn't really a good call but I didn't say anything.

In a way I was excited to move but then again I hated it because I had to leave what few friends I had and I would be starting my last year of high school at a new school.

Skip the super long car ride

After about 30 stops for the bathroom and over 200 fights, we had finally got to our new house.

Well I should correct that and say our new castle! The freaking house was huge!

It was a two story house with a pool, basketball court, and a guest house. The guest house it's self made our old house look small.

The moving people had already put the couches in the living room and mom had told them which bedroom would be her's and dad's so they could move their bed in.

We had like 2 other trucks bringing the rest of our stuff tomorrow so we decided to go ahead and unload the rest of the truck that was here.

I got a few blankets out of a box and give one to Stewart, one to Mia and kept the other one for myself.

I decided to lay in the floor next to the wall so I could charge my phone.

I put my headphones in and was fast to sleep.

Around 6 the next morning I woke up to Mom telling us to wake up and explore the house.

While Stewart and Mia went upstairs I decided to go explore the guest house.

When I opened the door to the guest house my jaw hit the floor.

As soon as you walk in you see the living room, dining room type area, and the kitchen.

When you go up stairs there are 5 bedrooms.

And then when you walk downstairs to the basement there is a living room type area, a big room with a pool table and a small kitchen.

My phone started to vibrate.

I looked at the screen and saw my dad's face. I slid my finger across the screen and put the phone to my ear, "Yes sir?"

"He bud the other moving trucks are here and your uncle Andrews is also here with a surprise I got you."

"Alright, I'm on my way!"

I walked up the stairs from the basement and then shut the door to the guest house and ran down the driveway.

When I got to the front of the main house I almost fell to my knees.

I saw my uncle Andrews and my dad start laughing.

I walked over to them, "Is this mine?!?"

"Yes son! This is your new range rover!" he said as we walked to the driver side door.

My jaw hit the ground yet again!

It was completely blacked out and had a killer sound system.

I pulled my dad and uncle into a big hug, "Thank you so much!"

They hugged me back, "Glad you like it! Your dad and I have been talking about this car for a while for you!"

I honestly felt like I was going to cry.

"Thank you both soooooo much and dad I have a small question."

"And what's that son?"

"Well I decided I would look through the guest house while everyone was checking out the main house and I was wondering if I could live in it? It has tons of space and it would be really cool to put my music studio in."

"Why don't we go in and talk to you mom about that really quick and see what she says."

We both walked in and found mom unpacking a few boxes in the kitchen.

"Sweetheart Nate has something he would like to talk to you about."

"And what might that be?"

"Well while everyone was checking out the main house I went and checked the guest house out and I was going to see if I could live in it. It has a lot of space and I could even put my music studio in it."

Mom looked at me and then looked at dad and then back at me.

I was starting to get nervous.

"If your dad doesn't mind it then I don't mind."

"Well son I guess you better put your boxes in your car to put in your house!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I gave them both hugs and gave mom a kiss.

Mom laughed, "BUT! All rules still apply! You have to be in bed at a decent hour, you have to eat dinner with us on family nights and you still have to do chores. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am I do!"

And with that I went out the front door and started putting my boxes in my car.

Uncle Andrews helped me put my bed in my room and then he left to go help mom and dad.

It was starting to get dark so I turned on the lights to my house and went outside to unload my boxes.

As I was unloading my car I heard voices.

I walked over to the trees that lined the property and that's when I saw where the voices were coming from.

There was a girl and three guys.

They were unloading boxes from a car.

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